Subject: A Promise: Perfect Timing

Hi it's Mark again.

I promised to remind you about the perfect timing thing. Well we thought it was perfect timing until someone leaked the information about the February 26 webinar. was it a leak> was it a whistle-blower? was it exuberance? was it fake news? It's worse. The cat was truly out the bag and it even has a name - DBF - Dreamy Brown Feline.

The leak was worse than that. It's like this.

Look, when my friend Dean Holland first started to let out the truth about the dirty little lie keeping the little guy stuck in this industry some big names were really mad…

But this time it’s different. He and Louis Doughty are exposing everything and more on a special web event happening Tuesday 26th 6pm EST, 11pm UK, this time they’re not just exposing the problem. They’re showing you how to fix it so you can win in 2019!

For partners and people in Dean's and Louis' circle (me) it’s free and because you’re on my list, it’s free for you to so quickly save your spot here, seats are limited.

Dean and Louis reveal exactly how Dean's multiple 7 figure business runs and exactly how you can copy it for yourself and how you can tap into the big commissions. Not like the other guys who hold onto those for themselves …

Dean also reveals in this webinar why you’ll stay stuck if you don’t know the secrets. Dean and Louis will also be making a massive announcement on the live event that will blow your socks off if you’re lucky enough to make it on the call. They will let you know the cat's name - DBF - Dreamy Brown Feline - PLUS a whole lot more!!

Save your seat here and mark your calendar, turn up and take action

Kindest regards and take good care


ps Click the link below and register for the webinar - Tuesday February 26, 6pm EST - (East Coast US); 3pm PST; 11pm UK. 10am Feb 27 AEST for the Ozzies. .