Subject: 57 Minutes To Save Your Family

I opened an email from my friend, Anne Flournoy. New Yorkers will know her from the Louise Log.  The tag line was "How to protect yourself from Covid-19" 

She shared a video offering clear, reassuring and empowering advice from a doctor at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City. He goes through what actions we can take to prevent ourselves and our families from getting Covid-19 and what to do if you or someone in the household does.

Spend 57 minutes of focused time and  it will save a life, maybe even yours. 

For those of you who do not have 57 minutes - these are the rules.

1. Wash your hands
2. Do not touch your face (a mask helps for that but only that)
3. Keep 3 to 6 feet social distance when you go out. 
1a. Wash your hands every time you touch something
2a. Do not touch your face
4. Self isolate if you get symptoms - sore throat, fevers, headaches - for 5 to 7 days. Ride it out and do not touch others. You will know when you are through 
5. Go to hospital if you suffer from shortness of breath. Only then - ride it out before. 

Rules 1 and 2 are the key - this virus transfers from sustained contact. Rule 3 - do not touch. This virus hates soap = Rule 1 - it is a wimp are the words he uses. 

Take good care and remember rules 1 and 2. 

Mark Carrington - in isolation day 5 now - my choice. 

Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, 2074, Turramurra, Australia
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