Subject: 12% Need a Side Hustle. Do You? Get Yours Here

Joe Worries about his Retirement
Joe has worked all his life on Plan A to build enough capital from a great retirement. He does not have far to go.

Joe worries a lot about what might go wrong:
  • Lose his job
  • Either he or his wife gets really ill
  • Taxes go up
  • Markets go down
  • Pensions get cut
Joe has taken to thinking about a plan B and joining the 12%. He has heard about affiliate marketing but he does not know a lot - just got fears about it all. The unknown is like that

Use Affiliate Marketing for Plan B
Along pops a young man who talks about his journey of being hocked to the hilt trying to make a go online. He struggled and he struggled until he found a shining light = a mentor who helped him shape his own future. Dean Holland is his name - just 40 and a veteran of the school of hard knocks. And using Internet Marketing as his Plan A and Plan B
Every week, Dean goes on stage to share what he learned. He is on a mission to expose the big lies. What he really does is tell you the 3 big things you need to know to take charge of your own future. How to shake free of the rat race and the daily grind and to take charge. You will find in his weekly webinar - secrets, gems, nuggets, facts of life; action plans; solutions; ideas; sparks of light:

1. You don't have to sell to make money.
2. You can make a full time income on a few hours a day
3. You can find tons of traffic online and use it for free.

The clue is in the word LEVERAGE - excuse the capitals. Shout it out loud

1. Get somebody else to sell for you
2. Use somebody else's products and sales funnels
3. Use somebody's else's traffic, like Facebook's or Twitter's

We all know we have to work to make a difference. Imagine doing that for your own business in your own time without a boss telling you how. All you need is some free time several days a week and a small amount of cash to get going (domain name; web hosting; quick start advertising). Everything else is provided - products; selling; recurring income - just find people like you to follow your journey.

Click the link and register for the weekly webinar - Tuesday March 19, 6pm EST; 3pm PST; 10pm UK. 10am Mar 13 AEST. Check your local times when you register - clock changes at this time of year make this tricky

Register now and good luck

Mark Carrington
Celebrate a Great Plan B
Click the link and register for the weekly webinar - Tuesday March 19, 6pm EST; 3pm PST; 10pm UK. 10am Mar 13 AEST. Check your local times when you register - clock changes at this time of year make this tricky
Mark Carrington, 180 Burns Road, 2074, Turramurra, Australia
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