Subject: Finding A Place To Sing: The Magic of Resound NW

Finding A Place To Sing: The Magic of Resound NW

August 20th, 2012 at 7:16 pm EDT

The Magic of Resound NW Greetings Friend! Every couple of months, something truly extraordinary happens at Resound NW: the voice students gather for a party. But it's not just any party, it's a SINGING party. We sing together. We eat t ...

Finding A Place To Sing: The Magic of Resound NW

August 19th, 2012 at 2:18 pm EDT

The Magic of Resound NW Greetings Friend! Every couple of months, something truly extraordinary happens at Resound NW: the voice students gather for a party. But it's not just any party, it's a SINGING party. We sing together. We eat t ...

Learn something NEW at Resound NW -- Class starts next week!

August 1st, 2012 at 9:36 am EDT

Learn Something New in "Vocal Explorations!" Hi Friend!I recently began working with a new voice student this summer. When I asked him why he was taking voice lessons, he answered, "Because I really need to learn something new." I was ...