Subject: Our Summer Music Picnic is TODAY!

See you at the park!

Hello friends!

Just a quick, friendly reminder that our Summer Music Picnic is TODAY! If you are new to our newsletters: Welcome! We'd love to see you at the picnic; supporting our students and singing together is what Resound is all about.

We can't wait to see you there. :)


Daniel Buchanan


Summer Music Picnic!

A concert featuring Resound NW teachers, students, and SoulSinging groups

Saturday August 24th from 2-5pm | Powell Park | Free & open to the public

Let's gather in late summer and celebrate our phenomenal vocalists with another warm and heart-felt picnic!

This is a relaxed, joyful Studio Gathering. Our Studio Gatherings are an opportunity for our students to perform for each other, to share what they are learning in their music lessons, and for friends and family to support their loved ones. Audiences will be invited to join in on the sing-a-long songs!

Come, bring a camp chair and an offering for our potluck table, or simply bring your self. What better way to celebrate the end of summer than by soaking in some tunes sung by our passionate music students??


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