Subject: The Research Alliance for NYC Schools at AERA

The Research Alliance at AERA's 2014 Annual Meeting
The Research Alliance for New York City Schools will be participating in the following sessions at the American Education Research Association’s 2014 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA: 

Thursday, April 3, 12:00-1:30pm
Executive Director James Kemple will participate in The ‘Portfolio’ Model and the Future of U.S. Urban School Reform: Lessons From New Orleans, Philadelphia, and Beyond. The moderated panel will look at the experiences of urban districts that have, to some degree, developed varied “portfolios” of school types in recent years.

Saturday, April 5, 8:15-10:15am
“Deeper Learning Opportunities and Outcomes: Evidence in the Midst of a Debate,” a paper co-authored by Micha Segeritz, Data Manager & Lead Technical Analyst, will be presented as part of a session on National Standards and Curricula: Challenges Here and Abroad. The paper will be presented by the American Institutes for Research. 

Sunday, April 6, 4:05-5:35pm
Jonathan Supovitz (University of Pennsylvania) and Research Associate Lisa Merrill will present “Predictors of Common Core Mathematics Instruction,” as part of a session on Teachers’ Instructional Practices and Students’ Mathematical Learning.

Monday April 7, 10:35am-12:05pm
IES-PIRT Fellow E. Christine Baker-Smith is presenting “Pathways to an Elite Education: Application, Admission, and Matriculation to New York City’s Specialized High Schools,” as part of a session on Parental Choices.

Monday, April 7, 12:25-1:55pm
Richard Ingersoll (University of Pennsylvania) and Research Associate Lisa Merrill will present “The Changing Face of the Teaching Force: 1987 to 2012” as part of a round-table session on the Policy, Social, and Organizational Context of Teachers. The paper explores whether and how the elementary and secondary teaching force has changed in the last decades.

For full conference schedule and more details, visit the AERA website
     New from the Research Alliance
  • We’re hiring a new lead technical analyst. Apply here
  • Our release of the School Level Master File (SCHMA) has been a great success. We’ve heard from educators, students, policymakers, and others about how the SCHMA is contributing to their research on NYC schools. If you haven’t seen the SCHMA yet, take a look. 
  • Our new brochure is now online. 
The Research Alliance for New York City Schools is a non-partisan research center housed at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. The Research Alliance conducts rigorous studies on topics that matter to the city’s public schools. The organization strives to advance equity and excellence in education by providing evidence about policies and practices that promote students' development and academic success.

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