Subject: Research Alliance and Partners Working to Develop Better Indicators of College Readiness

Research Alliance and Partners Working to Develop Better Indicators of College Readiness
Around the country, more and more public education stakeholders are actively focusing on preparing students for success in college. This is a tall order in districts where many students struggle to graduate, let alone graduate with the skills and knowledge necessary to enroll and thrive in a college environment.
Earlier this month, colleagues from Stanford University, Brown University and the University of Chicago released the "College Readiness Indicator Systems" (CRIS) resource series, the result of a collaboration with researchers in several cities. The series is designed to help school districts develop and implement effective college-readiness indicator systems. 
The Research Alliance is engaged in related ongoing work designed to better understand how to help students enroll in, persist through and, ultimately, graduate from college. With the support of a federal Institute of Education Sciences grant, we are building an unprecedented partnership with the NYC Department of Education and the City University of New York to identify factors that enhance or limit the likelihood of a student attending or succeeding in college, as well as interventions that may boost college preparation and success. We are also working to develop valid college-readiness indicators and assess strategies for linking indicators to school practices. In the coming months, we’ll begin to share the first set of findings from this work. Look for further updates soon.
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Brian Lehrer Interviews the Research Alliance’s Adriana Villavicencio about NYC’s High School Graduation and College Readiness Rates

Research Associate Adriana Villavicencio was a guest on Brian Lehrer’s CUNY TV show, “Brian Lehrer.TV” for the week of May 5th. Mr. Lehrer and Dr. Villavicencio discussed the recent Research Alliance report, Moving the Needle: Exploring Key Levers to Boost College Readiness Among Black and Latino Males in NYC, as well as the Research Alliance’s evaluation of the Expanded Success Initiative and our examination of NYC’s small schools of choice. 

Watch the video here (Dr. Villavicencio’s segment begins at 34:45).

Research Alliance Presents at "Expanding the Success of Black and Latino Young Men"

On March 26th, Dr. Villavicencio shared early findings from the Research Alliance’s ongoing evaluation of the Expanded Success Initiative (ESI) at an event sponsored and hosted by CUNY’s Institute for Education Policy at the Roosevelt House. Dr. Villavicencio sat on a panel with Pedro Noguera (NYU), Shawn Dove (Open Society Foundations), and Michael Prayor (Brooklyn High School for Law and Technology). The conversation was moderated by David Steiner (Hunter College School of Education, CUNY Institute for Education Policy). Vanda Belusic-Vollor (NYC DOE) made closing remarks.

The Research Alliance for New York City Schools is a nonpartisan research center housed at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. The Research Alliance conducts rigorous studies on topics that matter to the city’s public schools. The organization strives to advance equity and excellence in education by providing evidence about policies and practices that promote students' development and academic success.

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