Subject: #RANYCSResearchInPractice: Blueprint for Advancing Equity in NYC Schools


What do the system-wide inequities addressed in the Blueprint for Advancing Equity in NYC Schools look like in your classroom/school?

Join us for the month of September to share how you are putting evidence to use for NYC students and schools. Tag us on Twitter (@RANYCS), engage with us on LinkedIn, and always use the hashtag #RANYCSResearchInPractice. We can't wait to hear from you!

Questions for Educators:

  • The Blueprint asserts that “much of what students experience in schools is not visible or trackable” at the system level. Do you agree? What kinds of opportunities and resources should we be measuring to understand the root causes of educational inequality? 

  • How does your school assess social and emotional learning? How could SEL be better integrated into your curriculum? 

  • For your practice: How can your classroom structure work to provide intensive, individualized support for students who have been most affected by the COVID pandemic? / How will you identify these students? / What resources are available to help meet students’ needs (including academic, social/emotional, mental and physical health, etc.)? 

  • Where do you as an educator need more support?

Questions for Students:

  • The Research Alliance’s Blueprint presents ideas for making schools better by building on lessons learned during the COVID pandemic. For you, what were the best and worst things about remote/online learning? 

  • What are you most excited for, and most nervous about, in the return to school this fall?

  • What kinds of support will students need  after the past year and a half? How can NYC schools do a better job of meeting all students’ needs, particularly students who were most harmed by COVID?

Questions for Policymakers and Advocates:

  • The Research Alliance Blueprint proposes developing a system of education equity indicators, including not just outcomes, but also opportunities and resources. What do you think of this idea? What opportunities and resources should be tracked to better understand and address the root causes of educational inequality? 

  • How can schools best use new state and federal dollars to meet students’ needs? Which staffing and partnership models hold promise for delivering effective individualized support and instruction?

  • How can service coordination and  partnerships between schools and communities be strengthened? 

  • How could budgets be reallocated to invest more in schools, communities, and families with the highest levels of need?

  • What innovations from the last year are most promising for improving educational quality and equity?

Share your insights by tagging us @RANYCS on Twitter, engaging with us on LinkedIn, and using the hashtag #RANYCSResearchInPractice


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