Subject: New Studies Examine CS4All and Students Who Don’t Graduate on Time but “Persist” in NYC High Schools

The Research Alliance for New York City Schools
New Work on CS4All and "Persisting" Students
New Report: Computer Science in New York City: An Early Look at Teacher Training Opportunities and the Landscape of CS Implementation in Schools

The Research Alliance for New York City Schools, in partnership with Education Development Center (EDC), is conducting a multi-year evaluation of the New York City Department of Education’s CS4All initiative. Our new report, Computer Science in New York City: An Early Look at Teacher Training Opportunities and the Landscape of CS Implementation in Schools presents findings from the first year of our evaluation. The report includes a summary of CS4All’s key goals and strategies; a broad look at CS education and training in the City (including programs that are the result of CS4All’s first two years of implementation, as well as preexisting efforts); an exploration of teachers’ responses to CS4All PD; and considerations for the ongoing development of the initiative.
New Spotlight: How Have the Rates at Which Students Are Graduating in Four Years, Dropping Out, or “Persisting” in NYC High Schools Changed Over Time?

While some students who do not graduate on time drop out permanently, there is another, larger group of students who remain enrolled (or reenroll after leaving school temporarily) and continue working toward their high school diploma. This new Spotlight post explores how rates of on-time graduation, dropping out in the first four years, or “persisting” into a fifth or sixth year of high school have changed over time. The post sets the stage for a much more in-depth examination of persisting students’ experiences and outcomes, which will be released at our June 7 event.

Summer Events with Research Alliance Staff
Working Across Sectors to Support Vulnerable Youth in Schools: Research Practice Partnerships at the Intersection of Multiple Agencies 

Research Alliance Executive Director James Kemple will participate in the closing conversation at this research-policy-practice summit. The event is assembling leaders from multiple sectors to answer the question, “How can researchers, policymakers, and practitioners work together to improve opportunities and outcomes for vulnerable youth in schools in New York City and beyond?”
High School Persisters: Exploring the Needs and Experiences of Students Who Don’t Graduate in Four Years, But Remain Enrolled

The Research Alliance is releasing findings from a new study designed to help policymakers and the public better understand the challenges faced by students who have fallen behind and are at risk of aging out of the public school system.

Join us for a presentation by the Research Alliance’s Kathryn Hill and Zitsi Mirakhur; a roundtable discussion with persisting students; and a panel exploring the implications of this new research for policy and practice.

Learn more about the event and register here.

The Research Alliance for New York City Schools is a nonpartisan research center housed at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. The Research Alliance conducts rigorous studies on topics that matter to the city’s public schools. The organization strives to advance equity and excellence in education by providing evidence about policies and practices that promote students' development and academic success.

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