Subject: New Spotlight on Student Homelessness, What People Are Saying About the Research Alliance, and More

The Research Alliance for New York City Schools
New Spotlight Posts Examine the Changing Picture of Homelessness Among NYC’s Elementary Students

The number of homeless elementary students in NYC has increased dramatically in recent years. Two new Spotlight posts explore this trend in more detail. The first post examines how the type of homelessness students experience has changed over time—finding notable increases in the proportion of homeless students who are living doubled-up with friends or family. The second post looks at which elementary schools are serving the highest concentrations of homeless students. We found that the number of schools serving a very high proportion of homeless youngsters doubled between 2013 and 2018 (see the blue bars in the graph below).

How Has the Number of Elementary Schools Serving Different Concentrations of Homeless Students Changed Over Time?
Stacked bar graph that displays how the number of elementary schools serving different concentrations of homeless students has changed over time.
The post also features maps that display the location of elementary schools serving the highest and lowest proportions of homeless students across the City (and how these changed between the two points in time).

Read “Where Are NYC Schools Serving the Highest Concentrations of Homeless Students?”
What Are People Saying About the Research Alliance?
Since 2008, the Research Alliance has sought to advance equity and excellence in education by providing nonpartisan evidence about policies and practices that promote students' development and academic success. As we begin our 11th year of work in NYC schools, learn what education-focused foundations, civic and business leaders, and the current and former Schools Chancellors have had to say about our work.
Research Alliance Work Informing Public Conversations
The Research Alliance for New York City Schools is a nonpartisan research center housed at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. The Research Alliance conducts rigorous studies on topics that matter to the city’s public schools. The organization strives to advance equity and excellence in education by providing evidence about policies and practices that promote students' development and academic success.

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