Subject: New Deputy Director, College Enrollment Across Cities, and More

The Research Alliance for New York City Schools
Dr. Cheri Fancsali Appointed Deputy Director of the Research Alliance
Cheri Fancsali staff photo
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Cheri Fancsali has been appointed as the new Deputy Director of the Research Alliance for New York City Schools. Dr. Fancsali brings a long and impressive track record of research on school- and community-based education programs and a wealth of leadership experience to the position. She has served as the Research Alliance’s Research Director since early 2016; previously, she was the Managing Director of Education Research for IMPAQ International and the Director of Research and Evaluation for AED’s Center for School and Community Services. Those who have worked with Dr. Fancsali sing her praises as “an insightful researcher” and “an exceptional partner." In her new role, Dr. Fancsali will continue to manage key Research Alliance projects (including studies of Computer Science for All, the Maker Partnership, and ExpandED’s Design2Learn program), and expand her focus on partnerships and evidence use—to ensure that research findings actively inform policymakers and educators as they work to improve outcomes for students, in NYC and beyond.
Research Alliance Work Featured in NNERPP Extra
A new article from the National Network of Education Research-Practice Partnerships takes a look at college enrollment outcomes across districts, including New York City, Chicago, Houston, and Los Angeles. The article, What is Your District’s College Enrollment Rate?...It Depends [Part 1], examines how different analytic decisions can profoundly influence findings—and their implications for policy. The piece draws on a recent Research Alliance Spotlight post (“How Have NYC’s High School Graduation and College Enrollment Rates Changed Over Time?”), as well as our longer report on the same topic, New York City Goes to College.

Wendy Castillo staff photo
Meet the Newest Member of Our Team
The Research Alliance is thrilled to welcome our new Research Associate, Dr. Wendy Castillo. Dr. Castillo previously served as a Data Fellow and Research Analyst at the Overdeck Family Foundation, where she designed a strategy to strengthen the quality of research grant-making. Her previous work includes research focused on K-12 policy, reading motivation, and college access. Read more about Dr. Castillo.
Last chance iStock photo
Extended Deadline: We’d love to hear your voice!
Did you miss the deadline to take our brief online survey? Not to worry, you’ve still got time! We’ve extended the deadline until 9/25/2019. Please take 3-5 minutes to share your perspectives on our work and inform the direction of education research in New York City.
The Research Alliance for New York City Schools is a nonpartisan research center housed at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. The Research Alliance conducts rigorous studies on topics that matter to the city’s public schools. The organization strives to advance equity and excellence in education by providing evidence about policies and practices that promote students' development and academic success.

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NYU Steinhardt
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