Subject: How Have Key Student Outcomes Changed in NYC?

The Research Alliance for New York City Schools
New Spotlight Series Examines Trends in NYC Student Outcomes
Since the Research Alliance’s founding, we’ve sought to provide rigorous, nonpartisan evidence about the problems facing New York City’s public schools—and about the impact of policies and practices designed to address those problems. As we mark our 10th anniversary, we are taking stock of progress and challenges in NYC’s education system.
A line graph of high school graduation, college enrollment, and persistence rates over time.
Our new five-part Spotlight series will explore how key student outcomes have changed during the last two decades. In our first post, we examine how NYC’s high school graduation and college enrollment rates have changed over time, highlighting notable improvements, as well as persistent gaps associated with race/ethnicity and poverty. In subsequent posts, we will explore elementary and middle school achievement, attendance, and links between neighborhood poverty and outcomes.
New Report: Monitoring Educational Equity

The Research Alliance’s Executive Director James Kemple served on the Committee on Developing Indicators of Educational Equity, convened by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The Committee recently released its final report, which proposes a new framework for measuring and monitoring equity in the nation’s K-12 education system.

New Job Opening: Data Manager

The Research Alliance is hiring a Data Manager to play a key role in the strategic development and execution of research activities conducted by Research Alliance staff and collaborators. The Data Manager will work with researchers to define and address their needs for data from our store, create new and innovative applications and tools for data analysis and visualizations, and work across the organization to improve our code base, documentation, and reporting capabilities. The Data Manager will be responsible for the technical and logistical maintenance of our extensive store of NYC education data. To learn more about this position, please see our website and apply online.

The Research Alliance for New York City Schools is a nonpartisan research center housed at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. The Research Alliance conducts rigorous studies on topics that matter to the city’s public schools. The organization strives to advance equity and excellence in education by providing evidence about policies and practices that promote students' development and academic success.

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NYU Steinhardt
627 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10012, United States
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