Subject: Happy CTE Month & The NYC School Survey is LIVE!

February 2023

NYC as a Laboratory for Learning About Career and Technical Education: Lessons from CTE-Dedicated High Schools

February is CTE month! NYC as a Laboratory for Learning About Career and Technical Education: Lessons from CTE-Dedicated High Schools is the first in a series of reports from our ongoing study aimed at informing local and national CTE policy and practice. This new report focuses on 37 CTE-Dedicated high schools, which are structured to ensure that all enrolled students participate in a CTE Program of Study from 9th through 12th grade.

Variation Matters: A Look at CTE Under Distinctive Policy and Programming Conditions

Executive Director Jim Kemple wrote a guest blog post for Inside IES Research. Building on the Research Alliance's ongoing study of CTE programs in New York City Schools, the post considers the widespread embrace of  ”college and career readiness” as key goals of k-12 education, the potential role of CTE in pursuing these goals, and the importance of learning from variation in CTE programming and impacts. As an example, the post describes some key findings from our most recent report, highlighting policy and program conditions that were associated with substantially stronger effects on students’ college enrollment.

CTE Research Through an Equity Lens

The Equity Working Group of the CTE Research Network (CTERN) has published a resource for researchers who seek to bring an equity lens to developing and conducting CTE research: The Equity Framework for CTE Research.  The Research Alliance’s John Sludden and Clare Buckly Flack contributed to this resource. You can read John’s reflections as a member of CTERN’s Equity Working Group  in "CTE Research Through an Equity Lens" published by the Institute of Education Sciences.

The 2023 NYC School Survey is Live!

The Research Alliance for NYC Schools has been working with the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) since 2010 to develop, refine, and make better use of the annual school survey. The Survey results provide vital insight that can help inform better, more equitable policies and practices in NYC schools. The Research Alliance urges all  teachers, parents, and 6th through 12th grade students to complete the survey!

Learn more about the Research Alliance's ongoing work with the NYCDOE on our website.

In Case You Missed It

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