Subject: College Persistence and Completion, CTE, and the NYC School Survey

The Research Alliance for New York City Schools
College Persistence and Completion, the NYC School Survey, and Career Technical Education
College Completion: On June 30th, the Research Alliance and Graduate NYC! convened more than 100 education practitioners, researchers, and policymakers for a forum on evidence-based strategies to improve college persistence and degree attainment. Read about highlights of the event, and then check out this collection of resources from presenters.

Measuring Schools’ Organizational Capacity: Last year, we helped the NYC Department of Education overhaul its annual school survey to align with the new "Framework for Great Schools." Questions and results for the survey, completed by over 950,000 parents, students, and teachers, are now available for download.

Career and Technical Education: Fast Company talked to Research Alliance Executive Director James Kemple about his widely cited study of Career Academies and his thoughts on what's next for Career Technical Education (CTE).

High School Initiatives: Explore the latest findings from two ongoing Research Alliance program evaluations. Changing How High Schools Serve Black and Latino Young Men features the most recent results from our study of NYC's Expanded Success Initiative, which aims to increase college readiness among Black and Latino young men.Bringing Together Mentoring, Technology, and Whole School Reform is the first published report from our study of iMentor's College Ready Program. 
The Research Alliance for New York City Schools is a nonpartisan research center housed at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. The Research Alliance conducts rigorous studies on topics that matter to the city’s public schools. The organization strives to advance equity and excellence in education by providing evidence about policies and practices that promote students' development and academic success.

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