Subject: Trade Room Login Details Were Mailed Out Earlier

Trade Room Login Details Were Mailed Out Earlier

January 20th, 2014 at 1:40 pm EST

Hi Folks.I got the Trade Room Login Details emailed out to everyone a little earlier today (sent them to the PayPal registered addresses, so check that email account first before you send me an email asking me to resend). Of course, if you don't see ...

Trade Room Reopens Tuesday, Jan. 21st

January 19th, 2014 at 4:44 pm EST

Hi Folks.Just a quick reminder to all who joined up for the new month in the trade room that we are dark tomorrow, Monday, January 20th for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (a national holiday here in the US which usually means low volume and few decen ...

January Trade Room Memberships

January 15th, 2014 at 10:50 am EST

Hi Folks.It's that time again. If you were a member of the December Trade Room and you didn't re-up a few days back (several of you did) you need to take care of that by this weekend, as new passwords will be going out for the January room on Sunday ...

Trade Room Login Details Sent

January 5th, 2014 at 7:39 pm EST

Hi Everyone.Sorry for the lateness of this email, but I just got home from my trip to Alabama about 30 minutes ago, and now the trade room opens in less than 7 hours.If you subscribed to this month's sessions, I just emailed the login details to the ...