Subject: This Thanksgiving Give the Gift of Transformation (+ Receive It Yourself!)

Will you please do me a favor and watch this video and begin visualizing us all Uniting Planet Earth and helping create the Unified, Peaceful Planet we all need to be experiencing right now?

Click here and watch it and do the full coaching lesson accompanying it:

It would really help if you would also get all your friends on Facebook, Twitter, et. al. watching this lesson, as well.

Everyone with whom you're sharing this who takes it to heart and joins us in Uniting Planet Earth... You're transforming their lives!

By all means, make sure you're allowing it to Serve YOU that way, too!

I'm thankful for you taking this gift to heart and taking the time to allow this to fulfill its potential, which is nothing short of transforming All of Humanity.

Thank you very much!!!

Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Dan :)