Subject: Worldwide Potentiation on Sunday & The Solutions Project

Worldwide Potentiation This Sunday, June 14!
If you have yet to experience Potentiation, the first activation in the Regenetics Method, consider joining our upcoming Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony on Sunday, June 14. Learn more and register here.
Sol's latest blog posts focus on solutions to the challenges we're facing in the wake of such tremendous manipulation and control tactics. The Solutions Project is an ongoing article series addressing the ways we can help humanity emerge from this crisis stronger, enlightened and united.

In a previous life, before nearly all my waking hours were hijacked by the urgent need to help people wake up to the threat, not of COVID-19, but of the antihuman agenda behind this plandemic, I wrote a multi-award-winning novel called SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING.

If you’re interested, you can check out Amazon reader reviews here. They’re virtually all 5-star. The novel’s eye-opening plot revolves around accessing and living up to our human potential in the face of great spiritual, emotional, mental and physical challenges. Sound familiar?

Tired of the Deep State Playbook? Help Change the World Peacefully by Joining Michael Tellinger’s Brilliant Initiative

I’ve spent a good portion of 2020 trying to wake people up by writing a series of articles (culminating in this gargantuan database) and doing related podcasts on the scamdemic, plandemic, plannedemic, fake pandemic or whatever else you wish to call this coordinated psyop by the Deep State to turn everybody—those who survive Bill Gates’ genodical vaccine campaign anyway—into transhumanist slaves in a dystopian reality that makes Orwell seem optimistic.

Welcome to Part 2 of the Solutions Project here on Snooze 2 Awaken. In Part 1 I focused on the pioneering macroeconomic model called One Small Town developed by Michael Tellinger.

Today I’m returning to the field of health, and specifically virology, to propose a concerted strategy for exposing fraudulent science and freeing ourselves from the current medical model based entirely on lies that systemically and  systematically breaks its own oath by actually trying (it would seem) to do more harm than good.

In Part 1 of the Solutions Project here on Snooze 2 Awaken, I highlighted Michael Tellinger’s brilliant macroeconomic initiative for changing the world—and actually making it a home, not a financial prison, for We the People—One Small Town at a time.

In Part 2 I focused on countering the central lie at the heart of modern medicine—germ theory—that made it possible for our entire planet to be locked down by a fake pandemic drummed up by the psychopaths who control us.

Keep learning and sharing and stand up for your freedoms!

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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