Subject: Worldwide Potentiation This Sunday, Empowerment through Decentralization, Inconvenient Truths & More!

Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony this Sunday, October 3rd!
Learn more & register here.
Highlights from Sol's blog
Sol Luckman Talks Decentralization, Sovereignty, Permaculture, Germ Theory, Awakening & Qortal with Mike Winner

Sol Luckman

Enjoy today’s conversation on Sol Luckman Uncensored with Mike Winner, sponsored by Snooze 2 Awaken, Resources for Lucidity.

The full video version of the interview is available here. You can listen to the audio version here.

SHOW ME THE VIRUS: Resources for Putting Deluded Germ Theorists in Their Place

Sol Luckman

If you agree or are inclined to agree with this statement …

The biggest enemy of humanity today isn't a virus. It isn't even those in power who act like viruses. It's the scientific fraud known as germ theory. Remove that and you take away our controllers' ability to use health terrorism to control us.

… you’re definitely in for a treat today.

If you don’t agree and, moreover, are generally disinclined to open your mind to the simple, obvious truth that there is no virus of any kind behind the plandemic, please:

30 All-time Best Depopulation & Genocide Quotes by Those Who Would See We the People Destroyed

Nemesis, Rumor Mill News

The following 30 population control quotes show that the elite truly believe that humans are a plague upon the earth and that a great cleansing (depopulation) is necessary …

The Most Important Story Never Told
Check out the book trailer!

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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