Subject: Worldwide Potentiation Sunday, Spring Regenetics Special & More!

Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony This Sunday, April 3! Learn more and register here.
Time for Spring Renewal!
Spring Regenetics Special is going on now!
Begin or continue your healing journey today!
Addressing Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone & Dr. Cole’s SARS-CoV-2 Claims: Where’s the Evidence?

Mike Donio, John Blaid, Jacob Diaz, Mike Stone and Alec Zeck filmed a response to claims made by Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Ryan Cole regarding virus isolation and the existence of SARS-CoV-2 during an episode of The StreetMD Show hosted by Dr. Jo Yi on the Ickonic platform.

SCIENCE SHOCK: Not a Single Record of Purified Virus behind COVID-19 Pandemic … Is Virology Actually Quackery?

Nolan Barton, Natural News

Some 137 institutions in nearly 30 countries so far have admitted that there’s not even a single record of the SARS-CoV-2 virus having been purified from any patient sample by anyone on the planet.

“What it has come down to is a very simple question: How does a virologist identify a new virus and then show this virus causes disease?” said Dr. Thomas Cowan in a virtual call aptly titled “Virology on Trial.”

Proteins, Spikes & Bioweapons

Sol Luckman

This excellent article from midway through the plandemic by Tracey Northern deserves revisiting in light of the highly politicized and unscientific Ukraine biolab hysteria engulfing the alternative media at the moment.

Realize when you hear the rhetoric fueling this latest psyop that one of its major intentions is to keep the planet locked into fear of contagious “viruses” so that people can be more easily herded like sheeple into the NWO’s Great Reset …
If You Watch One Documentary in 2022, Make It THE VIRAL DELUSION

Sol Luckman

Both skeptics of and believers in germ theory seriously need to watch and digest the game-changing information presented in THE VIRAL DELUSION.

Aptly subtitled “The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV-2 & the Madness of Modern Virology,” this must-see tour de force for science truth features a who’s who of distinguished researchers, doctors and informed journalists dissecting the “scientific“ papers put forward to justify the wholly fabricated atrocity known as COVID-19.

Sol Luckman is now on Telegram!

Please check out Sol's brand-new channel on Telegram for regularly updated truthy content ... 

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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