Subject: Worldwide Potentiation Sunday, CALI Audiobook Praise, New Substack & More!

Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony This Sunday!
Get started on your Regenetics journey today!
Learn more and register here.
Subscribe, Gratis, to My Brand-new Writing & Artwork Showcase on Substack: Sol Luckman Uncensored Updates & Uploads (SLUUU)

Sol Luckman

Greetings! I’m writing to ask you to subscribe, gratis, to my brand-new writing and artwork showcase on Substack where the odds are most definitely stacked against boredom and complacency: Sol Luckman Uncensored Updates & Uploads (SLUUU).

My vision for SLUUU is to make it, eventually, a one-stop read for the bulk of my creative content designed to inspire, instruct and, at times, incite.

A Close-up Perspective on CALI THE DESTROYER by the New Award-winning Visionary Audiobook’s Gifted Narrator

Theresa Dale, Rose’s Ghost

Temperamental. Brash. Self-assured (perhaps overly so?).

Those few words may be among the first anyone would use to describe Cali Crowell, the star and protagonist of CALI THE DESTROYER by Sol Luckman, but after having the privilege of narrating the story, I believe that, as it was for me, those descriptors would be quickly followed by many others as they are swept along the raucous adventure that is the famed teen’s life. Independent … courageous … broken … hopeful … Cali is all of these along with being famous for her catchy music and fantastic live performances.

NEW! Audiobook Release (with Sample) of Sol Luckman’s Multi-award-winning Visionary Thrill Ride CALI THE DESTROYER

Sol Luckman

Best friends? Check. Illegal lovers? Check. Mythological entities? Check.

Cali and Juice aren’t discovering love; they’re discovering they’ve always been in love—since the dawn of creation.

In this page-turner of a sci-fi tale set in an Orwellian future seeded in the dystopian present, resistance to the Archons appears futile … that is, until the Goddess and her consort spectacularly reappear straight out of ancient Gnosticism to take on the control matrix of the Fatherland.

Will the Luminous Child awaken in humanity before it’s too late?

The complete audiobook is available with Amazon Premium Plus for $0.00.

Evolving beyond Our Bogus Medical Paradigm through Community, Humor & Imagination w/ Dr. Sam Bailey

Today, I have the great honor of sharing my interview with a veritable ROCK STAR in the alternative health movement: Dr. Sam Bailey. Check out her website at

Dr. Sam is a medically trained doctor with a stellar CV who makes health videos on questions from her viewers posted on her Odysee channel, ( She researches and covers common medical conditions, but also tackles controversial health issues. And she does so in the most engaging, and at times hilarious, manner imaginable.

Dr. Tom Cowan w/ Mike Donio: The Definitive Real Science-based Debunk of the Recent Fake Science Claim That “COVID” Is Related to Snake Venom

Dr. Tom Cowan

In this webinar, my friend and colleague Mike Donio analyzed the main points of Dr. Ardis’ recent snake venom warning.

Tune in to find out what we think of these claims.

Sol Luckman is now on Telegram!

Please check out Sol's brand-new channel on Telegram for regularly updated truthy content ... 

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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