Subject: Upcoming DNA Series, PYD on Substack, New Trailer, Worldwide Potentiation Sunday & More!

Begin your Regenetics journey today!
Join our Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony this Sunday, July 10th!
Learn more & register here.
Do You Have a Genetic Inheritance Waiting to Be Activated? Explore This Question w/ Bestselling Author Sol Luckman in July’s Global DNA Series

Sol Luckman

I’m thrilled to announce that an extremely empowering interview I just gave to Acurda Melchizedek about how to heal and transform your life with the “revolutionary healing science” (NEXUS Magazine) of the Regenetics Method will be featured in the upcoming Global DNA Series IV. Here’s a tiny taste of that fascinating chat:

The Classic Self-healing Text POTENTIATE YOUR DNA Is Now on Sol Luckman’s Substack

Sol Luckman

Allergy Elimination • Increased Energy • Parasite Cleansing • Pain Relief • Physical Strengthening • Improved Respiration • Better Digestion • Sharper Thinking • Deeper Sleep • Straighter Posture • Stronger Immunity • Clearer Skin • Thicker Hair • Fewer Migraines • Clearer Boundaries • Healthier Relationships • Heightened Manifestation • Greater Abundance

Above are just some of the life-changing benefits reported by people who have experienced Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning.

The first DNA activation in the “revolutionary healing science” (NEXUS Magazine) of the Regenetics Method, Potentiation employs special linguistic codes—produced vocally and mentally—to stimulate a self-healing and transformational ability in DNA.

Check Out the New Trailer for the Most Powerful Documentary of 2022, THE VIRAL DELUSION

Sol Luckman

Enjoy this recent email update from Mike Wallach, Director of the truly AMAZING documentary THE VIRAL DELUSION, whom I interviewed not too long ago (see below) …

The Reach of the Shadow of the Left

Brendan D. Murphy, Medium

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung was one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. His legacy is a wealth of knowledge and insight into the human psyche (and general human condition), meaning that it relates directly to all humans currently playing the “game of life.”

If school students were taught the most essential elements of Jung’s discoveries and theories in a succinct format comprehensible to them, we might save our society a lot of the pain and suffering (and division) resulting from the self-awareness lacuna fostered by Western culture at large.
David Weiss & Sol Luckman Talk Tartaria, Great Reset, Crater Earth, New Lands & “Extra”terrestrials

Sol Luckman, Sol Luckman Uncensored

I recently got to chat with a major figure in one of the most controversial subjects in the so-called universe. The subject is flat earth and the figure is none other than David Weiss, aka Flat Earth Dave.

Dave is a real character and a truly bright fellow who has been pulling back the hood on the globe psyop for a long time. I encourage you to watch all of his YouTube videos at Flat Earth Dave Interviews (–mVsrZ3LE2T9zUBf-Zg/videos) and visit his website:

Sol Luckman is now on Telegram!

Please check out Sol's brand-new channel on Telegram for regularly updated truthy content ... 

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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