Subject: Spring Regenetics Special, The Viral Delusion Documentary & Much More!

Time for Spring Renewal!
Spring Regenetics Special is going on now!
Begin or continue your healing journey today!
What Is DNA, Really?

Sol Luckman

Redwood Fairy
What is DNA, really? As a Biology undergrad I remember questioning the validity of “junk” DNA—over 90% of all the DNA our bodies produced over our lifetimes in each and every cell—was junk? I didn’t think so then, and now after reading Sol’s brilliant treatise on the available and upcoming science surrounding the core of real, true healing—DNA Activation—it is now so clear that we possess inside us the keys to not only our own evolution and healing, but for the evolution and healing of all that exists through our connection and unity!
If You Watch One Documentary in 2022, Make It THE VIRAL DELUSION

Sol Luckman

Both skeptics of and believers in germ theory seriously need to watch and digest the game-changing information presented in THE VIRAL DELUSION.

Aptly subtitled “The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV-2 & the Madness of Modern Virology,” this must-see tour de force for science truth features a who’s who of distinguished researchers, doctors and informed journalists dissecting the “scientific“ papers put forward to justify the wholly fabricated atrocity known as COVID-19.

ViroLIEgy with Mike Stone: Fake Science, Compromised Scientists & Deep State Population Control

In this show, which you can enjoy directly on Bitchute or in the embedded option below, I have the privilege of interviewing one of the most salient COVID debunkers in the entire blogosphere: Mike Stone.

I urge you to spend some quality time with his extraordinary work at

Owing to his keen insight and gift as a writer, Mike has exploded onto the radar among the community of skeptics of not just the official but even most alternative COVID narratives, having been referenced by the likes of Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Sam Bailey.

A Longtime Science Researcher’s Take on Medical Truth

Logan McCulloch

The following essay is a summary of some key conclusions derived after intense study of this topic over the past 10+ years. The study of history has been essential to my understanding of the topics covered below. Let me start with my key assertions.
  • Germ Theory is not just wrong, it was an intentional fraud from its inception (research the role of the Rockefeller family in creating a medical monopoly around allopathic, AKA chemical, medicine in the early 1900’s).
  • Virology is absurd (research its history and the “science” behind it and this assertion becomes self-evident).
  • Vaccines are equally absurd and are best described as conglomerate poisons (research the work of Edward Jenner going back to the late 1700’s).

Sol Luckman is now on Telegram!

Please check out Sol's brand-new channel on Telegram for regularly updated truthy content ... 

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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