Subject: Solstice Potentiation Workshop at THE EVENT, Worldwide Ceremony This Sunday & More!

Featuring Sol Luckman, Andrew Kaufman, Kelly Brogan, Barre Lando and other luminaries in the holistic consciousness field!
Highlights from Sol's blog
THE EVENT: Learn How to Potentiate Your DNA to Resist or Heal Vaccine Damage & More in This FREE Online Workshop on the “Revolutionary Healing Science” of the Regenetics Method


Allergy Elimination • Increased Energy • Parasite Cleansing • Pain Relief • Physical Strengthening • Improved Respiration • Better Digestion • Sharper Thinking • Deeper Sleep • Straighter Posture • Stronger Immunity • Clearer Skin • Thicker Hair • Fewer Migraines • Clearer Boundaries • Healthier Relationships • Heightened Manifestation • Greater Abundance

Above are just some of the life-changing benefits reported by people who have experienced Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning, which will be taught live in a free hour-long webinar by international bestselling author and renowned sound healer Sol Luckman as a keynote address of The Event this December 21st at 8 PM Eastern time.

New COVID “Scariant”: Fact or Fiction? with Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Sol Luckman

In this timely, critical and ultimately hopeful discussion between two of my heroes in the holistic health movement, Sayer Ji and Dr. Andrew Kaufman, we learn that the new Omicron “variant” and the SARS-CoV-2 “virus” have one extremely important thing in common: NEITHER EXISTS.


Bottom line: you can’t have variants of an imaginary virus. Wake up and smell the COVID-1984, people!

The New African Virus Mutation Right on Time: A Kindergarten Covert Op for the Ignorant

Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News

There are no variants.

Because there is no virus. SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. I’ve spent the past year and a half proving that. [0]

But fantasies do exist. So do covert ops with intentions to deceive.

Thus, the “scientific world” is agog over the new South African variant, named B11529 (aka Omicron, Botswana). Woo. The ghost is coming out of the closet. Beware. COVID cases are rising …

“We don’t know whether the vaccine will be effective in the face of the new variant. New lockdowns may be necessary. Travel restrictions are coming. Batten down the hatches.”

I mean, really.

The True, Albeit Fictional, Nature of the “Virus”

CGI’s Mike, Rumor Mill News

[SL: The observations in this short informal post found at RMN are spot-on and dovetail to a large degree with the characterization of our planet’s would-be controllers, the Archons, as masters of reality simulation as depicted in my award-winning plandemic novel, CALI THE DESTROYER.]

It [the unisolated, nonexistent “virus”] was conceived as a meme (virus of the mind). Uncritical acceptance by the masses (alt as well as other) allowed it to evolve into a legal fiction with substance and standing in what passes for courts in America.

It is now more real and more dangerous than any physical virus could ever be. It carries weight in all jurisdictions from federal to state to cities and school boards and more.

Sol Luckman is now on Telegram!

Please check out Sol's brand-new channel on Telegram for regularly updated truthy content ... 
Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony This Sunday, December 5th. Learn more and register here.

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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