Subject: Sol's Interview with Charlie Ward, Global Microbiome Boost this Sunday & More!

Global Microbiome Boost this Sunday, September 19th!
Learn more & register here.
Highlights from Sol's blog
Charlie Ward Talks “Pandemic,” Germ Theory, Jabs, White Hats & More with Bestselling Author Sol Luckman (Teaser)

Sol Luckman

Enjoy the teaser …

Watch the full video:

Learn about the most important story never told:


A Miscellany of Sassy Tweets & Memes to Inspire Noncompliance in True Patriots Everywhere

Sol Luckman

In the event Twitter decides to can me, a likelihood eventually given that Facebook already did so months ago, I’ve decide to collect some of my recent tweets and intersperse them with some of my newer memes—for posterity if nothing else.

If any of what follows tickles your funny bone or inspires you to creative thoughts or acts of noncompliance, please consider following me while I’m still followable.

Change Is Coming To California—Recall Election or Not

Allan Stevo,

[SL: This article is well worth reading and pondering despite the depressing outcome of yet another counterfeit election.]

It is Recall Day, September 14, 2021, and ballots are everywhere, as freely as syringes on the streets of San Francisco.

People all over the state are showing up to vote and being told they have already voted.

Police in California pulled over a guy with a back seat full of blank recall ballots and drugs.

This will be the crookedest election since whatever election was the last one to take place in some third world banana republic.

The Most Important Story Never Told

Learn about the Fallen Goddess Scenario.
Check out the book trailer!

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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