Subject: SLUUU Grand Opening, Potentiation Tutorial, Worldwide Potentiation Sunday & More!

Join Our Upcoming Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony
Sunday, November 6th!
Begin your Regenetics journey today.
Learn more & register here.
🎟 Celebrating the Official Grand Opening of My Paywalled Substack w/ a 20% Discount through November

Sol Luckman

🪅 🪅 🪅 Happy Holidays to my new and longterm readers alike!

👉 👉 👉 To kick off this festive season with a little … substance, I’m offering a substantial discount on the expanding and empowering content for healing and transforming your life I’ve spent the past several months uploading to my paid Substack tier at Sol Luckman Uncensored Updates & Uploads (SLUUU).

🧬 SLUUU Exclusive: HOW TO POTENTIATE YOUR DNA (New Regenetics Tutorial Video by Sol Luckman)

Sol Luckman

In this in-depth webinar on the cutting edge of sound healing, learn how to activate your genetic potential—in a single 30-minute session!

Allergy Elimination • Increased Energy • Parasite Cleansing • Pain Relief • Physical Strengthening • Improved Respiration • Better Digestion • Sharper Thinking • Deeper Sleep • Straighter Posture • Stronger Immunity • Clearer Skin • Thicker Hair • Fewer Migraines • Clearer Boundaries • Healthier Relationships • Heightened Manifestation • Greater Abundance

🐇 Diving Down Deep Rabbit Holes

Sol Luckman

Today on Sense of Soul Podcast Shanna gets to do a deep dive about Sophia, synchronicity and conspiracy with award-winning and international bestselling author Sol Luckman of CALI THE DESTROYER fame.

George Carlin: Political Correctness Is Fascism Pretending to Be Manners

Sol Luckman

In the video below featuring some hilarious thoughts on the stultifying language of political correctness that has infected American culture in particular, the late, great George Carlin—once called the “dean of counterculture comedians”—works his typical word magic to open eyes to the truth.

Carlin was one of many inspirations behind my book of cultural satire for the awake and awakening, THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY, winner of the 2017 National Indie Excellence Award for Humor, now available on Substack.

👂 432 DNA Tuning & the “Nazi-ization” of Music

GA=440Hz: Not Quite Music to My Ears

Humankind is the largely unwitting victim of a frequency war on our consciousness that has been waged for decades, if not millennia. The goal has clearly been to keep us as gullible and subservient as possible, through multifarious means.

In modern history in particular, there has been what Dr. Len Horowitz has referred to as the strategic “militarization” of music. This happened in 1939 when the tuning of the note “A above Middle C” to 440 Hz was adopted in the world of music. In 1910 an earlier push to effect the same change was met with limited success.

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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