Subject: Register for Monday's Worldwide Potentiation, Get Your Goddess on & Covid Shmovid!

Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony Monday, July 5th!
Learn more & register here.
Highlights from Sol's blog
Fictionalizing the Future: Award-winning Dystopian Novel BEGUN BEFORE COVID Features Themes Involving a Viral Plandemic, Vaccine Bioweapons & Microchips, Depopulation, Race Wars & More

Sol Luckman

One night in late 2019, feeling rather tired and in need of rest, I crawled in bed but never slept a wink.

Rather, as if my whole being were plugged into an electrical outlet, I spent hours flat on my back “downloading” a complex plot to an epic dystopian novel involving—of all uncannily timed things—a viral “plandemic” leading to mass vaccination resulting in widespread disease and death.

Check out the inspired trailer, created by my teenage son (please pardon the paternal pride), for what became CALI THE DESTROYER:

Australian Superstar Chef Pete Evans & International Bestselling Author Sol Luckman Break down the Most Important Story Never Told


In this MUST-LISTEN discussion of the MUST-READ new dystopian novel CALI THE DESTROYER that’s generating a groundswell of interest worldwide, Australian superstar chef Pete Evans and international bestselling author Sol Luckman explore:

* The Fallen Goddess Scenario interpreted in ancient Gnostic texts;

* The Creation of the Archons, our extraterrestrial controllers, and how we can reveal and dissolve their artificial control matrix by awakening the Luminous Child in ourselves;
The Fallen Goddess: A Conversation with Sol Luckman on Humanity, Gaia, Archons & the AI Agenda

Brendan D. Murphy, Truthiverse

In late 2019 before co(n)vid kicked off, author Sol Luckman received a powerful intuitive premonitory “download” regarding the p(l)andemic (and pseudo-vakseens) to come, which inspired his latest novel CALI THE DESTROYER.

His book singles out, in his words, the primary source of “evil” as we experience it, that being the Archontic demiurgic force operating as a mind parasite in the psyche of human beings. These entities are “psychic” or energetic entities that inhabit vulnerable minds, stimulating self-destructive and sadistic thought, as well as pushing us in the direction of technological transhumanism which will ultimately leave only a simulacrum of humanity in its wake if it succeeds.
Dr. Kelly Brogan: Is HIV to AIDS What SARS-CoV-2 Is to COVID? (Downloadable PDF)

GreenMedInfo Daily Newsletter, June 25, 2021

Imagine an enemy that is invisible, like a ghost or demon, except to those who have special visionary powers. It lurks in unsuspecting places, turning every person and every place into a potential threat.

Once it takes hold, there’s no stopping it without the help of an arsenal of powerful poisons provided by the trusted protectors who are practiced at such exorcisms and know that their work inevitably results in some collateral damage.

In a Time of Universal Fear, Love Is a Revolutionary Act

Dylan Charles, Waking Times

“Don’t give in to your fears. If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart.” —Paulo Coelho, THE ALCHEMIST

Fear is the most effective weapon of mass destruction in the war on consciousness, and whenever globally significant events of extraordinary impact occur, we are told to be afraid. The news cycle kicks into overdrive. Stories relevant to our actual lives and wellness are brushed asunder. As humans, we tend to pay attention to what’s right in front of us, and so in this world of sensory overload, we’re drawn to the negative repetitive messages intended to stoke fear and weaken or inner authority.

Check out the book trailer!

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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