Subject: Regenetics Summer Savings Ending Soon!

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Dear Friend,

This is a quick reminder about our Regenetics Summer Special ending in just a couple of days! We also want to bring your attention to the wonderfully enriching free materials and services we offer to foster profound healing and transformation.
We invite you to take advantage of a whopping $35 off single sessions as well as already discounted packages for experiencing the "revolutionary healing science" (NEXUS) of the Regenetics Method.

This special expires June 30, 2019. For more information visit ...

Note that this special also applies to our newest DNA activation Microbiome Boost. Learn more about promoting healing the gut and immune system with our upcoming Global Microbiome Boost at ...

On the subject of complimentary materials and services for healing and transformation, we're thrilled to say that our popular free ezine, DNA MONTHLY, is now in its 15th year!

You can check out the jam-packed, empowering June issue at ...

While you're there be sure to subscribe to receive future issues via email. And don't forget to check out the DNA MONTHLY Archives featuring a wealth of inspiring and informative content  ...

If you've never gotten around to reading the international bestselling CONSCIOUS HEALING: BOOK ONE ON THE REGENETICS METHOD, or would like to experience it again, the complete text is available online at ...

As for the second book on the Regenetics Method, the bestselling POTENTIATE YOUR DNA, free sample chapters can be downloaded at ...
Additionally, the full text of the multi-award-winning SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, a fantastic literary companion to the Regenetics Method, is now available free online at ...

Finally, now you can experience Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning, the first DNA activation in the Regenetics Method, for free by registering for our monthly Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony. Read more at ...

Enjoy your summer!

Abundant blessings for health and happiness,

Sol & Leigh
Phoenix Center for Regenetics
Crow Rising Transformational Media

Activate your potential by participating in our Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony
 Subscribe for FREE to DNA Monthly, your online resource for cutting-edge news about who you truly are
 Access a wealth of additional life-changing content at Snooze 2 Awaken

"This is revolutionary healing science that's expanding the boundaries of being." NEXUS Magazine