Subject: Playing in the Magic, Take This Quiz, Worldwide Potentiation Today & More!

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Sunday, December 4th!
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🪄 Playing in the MAGIC: How to Manifest Whatever You Desire in the Simulation (SLUUU Exclusive Ebook)

Intuition Refinement? Check. Empathy Cultivation? Check. Imagination Boost? Check. Now Go Forth & Create the Life You Want!

Sol Luckman

In this inspiring, empowering, hot-off-the-press SLUUU exclusive ebook, renowned sound healer and international bestselling author Sol Luckman shares a major download of profound (as well as absurd) insights into the “magical” nature of our so-called reality.

Riffing off the red-hot research of author Jason Breshears while adding a delightfully stimulating and idiosyncratic take with some critical missing pieces to the manifestation puzzle, Luckman distills an array of life-altering concepts into an easy-to-grasp-and-follow theoretical model for interacting productively (and even miraculously) with our simulated holography while avoiding many of the pitfalls related to the Chief Archontic Parasite in Residence, Artificial Intelligence X.

😱 You Might NOT Be an Errant If ...

Take the Quiz, See If You’ll Survive the Apocalypse

Sol Luckman

In my super empowering, hot-off-the-press SLUUU exclusive ebook, PLAYING IN THE MAGIC: HOW TO MANIFEST WHATEVER YOU DESIRE IN THE SIMULATION, I share a host of profound (as well as absurd) insights into the nature of the soi-disant “reality” we currently inhabit.

Consider this an “ERRANT’S GUIDE” to marching to the beat of your own drummer, happily and creatively, far beyond the collective drama and trauma addicting and afflicting the masses.

On the subject of Errants, check out the following quotes from the ebook, some of which have been slightly edited for context. Then, your mission, should you be so bold as to undertake it, is to take the short quiz at the end of this post …

☄️ Please Submit Your Questions for Part 2 of My Interview Series w/ Jason Breshears in the Comments

Exploring the Astonishing Mathematix & Calendrix of Archaix

Sol Luckman

A number of listeners commented that this was “by far” their favorite interview of Jason EVER. Definitely high praise since he’s appeared on a number of channels much larger and more well-known than mine.

On December 8th we’re going in for Round 2, tentatively titled EXPLORING THE ASTONISHING MATHEMATIX & CALENDRIX OF ARCHAIX, and I’d love for readers to leave any truly thoughtful questions they might have in the Comments to this article.

Our discussion will by arranged around specific numbers (mathematix) and dates (calendrix) in the Archaix data sets, so do keep this in mind.

🔫 Trigger Alert: There’s ABUNDANT Evidence Supporting Simulation Theory & the Phoenix Phenomenon

“This World Is Not What You Think”

Sol Luckman

I used to believe earth was being visited by ETs. For that matter, I used to believe earth was a planet. Then, for a brief while, I entertained the highly controversial notion that this realm might actually be flat.

In retrospect I’m ashamed to admit it, but I actually believed the shape of our world somehow mattered. Like most people, I also believed the earth, planets, moons and stars were real.

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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