Subject: New Sol Luckman Interview, Book Serialization & "Shedding" Article

Exciting Things to Share!
Highlights from Sol's blog,

New Interview!
Sol Luckman on the Mark Attwood Show: Esoterica, Gnosticism & the Goddess in CALI THE DESTROYER

Sol Luckman

In late 2019 I went to bed one night and never slept a wink.

Instead, feeling plugged into an electrical socket, I spent hours flat on my back “downloading” the plot to an epic visionary novel involving—of all bizarrely timed things—a viral “plandemic” resulting in mass vaccination giving way to mass illness and death.

In other words, exactly the kind of hysterical germaphobia and vaccine-induced genocide we’re now observing around the world.

SNOOZE Serialization!
CHAPTER 1 (of 84) of the Serialization of SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING—Read or Listen to This Award-winning Metaphysical Novel FREE Online

Sol Luckman

Could it be there’s no such thing as the paranormal … only infinite varieties of normal we’ve yet to understand?

This is an important and timely question explored in the highly acclaimed spiritual novel, SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, winner of the 2015 National Indie Excellence Award for New Age Fiction.

COVID: The Plot Thickens—“Vaccines,” “Shedding” & “Transmission”

Dawn Lester, What Really Makes You Ill?

The world is claimed to be in the grip of a deadly pandemic.

However, although humanity is genuinely suffering, the real reason for this is not an infectious disease caused by a dangerous virus, as explained in our previous article entitled COVID: An Overview as well as in our book WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL? WHY EVERYTHING YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEW ABOUT DISEASE IS WRONG.

Instead, the world is suffering from a pandemic of misinformation, deception and outright lies that have been and continue to be promulgated on a daily basis by the mainstream media; the symptoms of this real pandemic also include blind obedience to “authority” and belief in the words of so-called “experts.”

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