Subject: New Activation Package & Upcoming Microbiome Boost!

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Dear Friend,

Greetings! We at the Phoenix Center are delighted to announce a new discounted Songs of Distinction package to promote healthy hormone production. The Balance package includes Songs to nourish the nervous system, enhance cellular communication and  help regulate glandular activity and hormonal functioning.

The synergy of these Songs is far-reaching, with the potential for not only helping stabilize metabolic systems, but also for enhancing cognition and leveling moods. When our hormonal systems are in greater balance and communication, we feel calmer, clearer and happier.

This package represents a savings of $80 over purchasing Songs individually. Learn more about Songs of Distinction here. Purchase the Balance package, another discounted package or individual Songs at ... 

We also want to remind you that our upcoming Global Microbiome Boost takes place this Sunday, September 22, at 10:00 PM Eastern Time. If you are eligible and have not yet experienced this powerful activation for promoting healing for the gut and immune system, visit here to learn more and register:

Also, our next Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony is coming up Sunday, October 6th. Now you can experience Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning, the first DNA activation in the Regenetics Method, for free by registering for our monthly Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony. Please share this empowering opportunity with family and friends. You can learn more and sign up at:

Many blessings to you and yours,

Sol & Leigh
Phoenix Center for Regenetics
Crow Rising Transformational Media

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