Subject: Love Yourself with Our FLASH Valentine's Sale & Hot New Content!

Thanks SO MUCH for Your Interest & Support!

I just wanted to take a moment to 1) let my readers know that Sol Luckman Uncensored Updates & Uploads (SLUUU) has reached and blown past an important milestone, 11K subscribers, and 2) expressive my gratitude for your enthusiastic interest in and generous support of my work!

🔥 🔥 🔥 In addition to my daily offerings that remain free in their entirety for three months after posting, SLUUU also boasts a growing corpus of premium and exclusive content for paid subscribers, including:

Exploring One of the Most Censored of Forbidden Topics & Much More!

Sol Luckman

🔥🔥🔥 Sol Luckman Uncensored welcomes back the famously infamous Jason Breshears for Round 3, which got off to a bit of an awkward start (totally the avant-garde interviewer’s fault) but slowly picked up steam to delve deeply into one of the most censored of forbidden topics: the real identities and activities of the Controllers of the Narrative here in the Matrix working in tandem with Artificial Intelligence X. Also discussed were the coming fake Carrington Event, the approaching “AI” Internet, Errant strategies for staying in touch when things go south, and much, much more!

⚡️ Are We Living Inside a Virtual Simulation?

Enjoy This Classic Article on a Timely Subject by the Great Jon Rappoport

Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News

A 2012 study out of Bonn University led to a new round of speculation about the nature of the universe. (See here and here.)

The study proposes that cosmic rays undergo a strange energy shift. The energies are “re-fitted” to align with an underlying pattern or lattice. There is only one proper fit; no exceptions are permitted.

If the lattice is, indeed, a basic pixel-like Reality we are interacting with every day of our lives, then we could be living inside a created artifice.

🪞 Turn to the Mirror

If You Can’t See What’s Going On, I Can’t See It for You

Sol Luckman

If you can’t see
What’s going on
I can’t see it for you

If you can see
What’s going on
Know that I adore you

How many times
Must things happen this way
How many circles
Have to be traced away
Before you turn to the mirror
Face yourself and say

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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