| Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony Tonight, Sunday, April 2nd! Begin your Regenetics journey today. Learn more & register here. |
| | | 🧬 Regenetics Compared to Other Forms of DNA Activation
Dr. Julie TwoMoon Weighs In
When I found the Regenetics Method,
I had never heard the term DNA activation. Almost two years later, the
practice and experience of DNA activation is a cornerstone not only to
my professional life but to my own deep healing and transformation.
assume that, like me a couple of years ago, most people reading this
have no idea what DNA activation is. Only recently did I realize just
how confusing a simple Internet search of DNA activation can be.
Where Did They Come from? Miracle healings. Exalted music. Suppression. Mystery. Intrigue.
These are just some of the evocative words associated with the increasingly popular “ Solfeggio scale.”
But where did solfeggio frequencies come from and why should we care? The answer is murkier than we might care to admit.
Supercharge Your Existence w/ These Life-changing Concepts & Techniques
Sol Luckman
🪬🪬🪬 From innerstanding that “reality” is just feelings, to
healing our trauma through recapitulating our lives, to liberating our
energy through movement, to exploring new worlds and possibilities
through dreaming, this conversation is jam-packed with life-changing
concepts and techniques for Errants of every level and stripe. |
Have You Activated Your “Ener-genetic” Potential?
Please Support This Indie Author w/ a Generous Review
Sol Luckman
“Like some raconteur alchemist, Luckman
comingles ancient mysticism, engaging characters, and social issues to
sublimate the alchemical gold that is unique but timeless storytelling.
As a dystopia, the work feels like it’s happening right now. As a work
of fiction, it feels like the perennial trope of man versus God—except
it’s hard to tell who the villain or hero is. A simultaneously
disturbing and amazing read, you’ll probably end up finding your own
Philosopher’s Stone.” Author, VOICES OF GNOSTICISM & Host, Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio
📖 Confession: I’m an indie author. That means I’m always panhandling for book reviews. Today is no different.
🤝 Here’s what I propose …
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