Subject: Global Microbiome Boost This Sunday & More Solutions!

Global Microbiome Boost This Sunday, June 28!
Join us for our upcoming Global Microbiome Boost! If you have reached the 5-month mark of Potentiation you are eligible to experience Microbiome Boost, a powerful fortification for rebalancing the bio-terrain and enhancing gut/brain axis communication. Learn more and register here.
Recent Testimonial about Microbiome Boost:

I received my Microbiome Boost on March 22 of this year [2020] (so approximately 3 months ago from the time I am writing this post). Approximately four years ago, I had my gallbladder removed, and I think that whole experience brought (even more) imbalance to my third bioenergy center. Additionally, as far back as I can remember, I’ve experienced a “sensitive stomach” and digestive tract. Immediately after the Global Microbiome Boost, I noticed a sense of “lightness” in my solar plexus bioenergy center. I didn’t realize before that I had been in constant pain, and right after the GMB, I felt relief from this pain. Probably the most exciting outcome of the GMB is that I am now able to eat eggs again! Woohoo! Following my Gallbladder removal surgery, I was suddenly unable to eat eggs, or I would get violently ill and my throat would mildly tighten. Now, I am able to enjoy one of my favorite foods again without the painful allergy symptoms. I’ve also noticed my entire mood feels lighter, brighter, and happier. IN fact, I've also noticed people around me seem to feel "uplifted." I would recommend this boost to anyone who thinks they may benefit, and let's be honest, we could all benefit from this considering the things they put in our foods! Thank you to Sol and Leigh for offering this incredible activation and for bringing relief and lightness into my life and energy! 

—Natalie J.
Visit Sol's blog for the latest information on the agenda behind the "Plandemic" and what we can do to expose the lies, resist tyranny and preserve our freedoms. The Solutions Project is an ongoing article series addressing ways we can help humanity emerge from this crisis stronger, more enlightened and united.

I’ve hesitated to write this article for some time because I hoped it wouldn’t come to this. But with reports that a possibly mandatory COVID-19 vaccine is only months away, safety trials and the Nuremberg Code be damned, I thought in this the fourth installment in the Solutions Project here on Snooze 2 Awaken (see previous articles here, here, and here), I’d share the following cautionary tale that—fortunately—has a happy ending.

“Figures don’t lie, but liars can figure.” —Mark Twain

These days there are two types of liars responsible for the massive disinformation campaign being waged against the simple truth that the official COVID-19 narrative is—any way you slice it—a load of BS: liars who know they’re lying and those who don’t realize they’re not telling the truth.

Say What You Truly Meme: A Collection of Juicy JPEGs to Counteract the New Normal (Regularly Updated Database)

So far 2020, for me, has been the year of the database. For months I’ve been collecting videos and articles on the coronavirus scamdemic/plandemic that I recently grouped into a colossal COVID-19 Truth Database.

You could easily spend hundreds of hours educating yourself with this material. I know I have. And every day I continue to add more eye-opening, jaw-dropping content to this evolving resource that proves we’re living through the greatest psyop ever conducted against humanity.

In a similar vein, today I’m thrilled to share a new database.

Support each other and if you care about your health don't wear a mask!

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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