Subject: Global Microbiome Boost This Sunday & More AWAKENEWS!

Join us for Global Microbiome Boost This Sunday, September 20!
Microbiome Boost builds upon the foundation of Potentiation to further heal and balance the body's bio-terrain and enhance communication of the gut-brain axis. Microbiome Boost is useful for anyone with digestive issues, inflammation or anxiety, in addition to auto-immune issues and sensitivities, to help harmonize the internal ecology of the body and restore well being. If you've reached the 5-month mark of Potentiation you are eligible to experience this powerful fortification. Learn more and sign up here.
AWAKENEWS second issue on!

Sol Luckman

So now, without further ado, let’s get to the latest Awakenews!

As more and more bullshit from the powers that be piles up, so does more and more evidence that the plandemic really was, well, planned. If you want to make your head seriously swim, click on the following links in addition to the one above: COVID-19 Test Kits Ordered in 2018 … COVID Plandemic a Live “Training Simulation Exercise” … COVID-1984: They’ve Been Planning This for Years … V FOR VENDETTA: Was V’s 2005 “Sermon” Warning Us of COVID-19(84) Tyranny? … Bill Gates Negotiates Contact Tracing Deal 6 Months before Pandemic … Biden Joins Fauci as a Pandemic Prophet … EU Planning “Vaccination Passport” since 2018 … On Viral Attacks by Benevolent Benefactors … Is Anthony Fauci a Prophet? Or Was He in on Planning the Plandemic in 2017? … Bizarre EU Funded Comic Book Predicted Pandemic, with Globalists as Saviors.

Drs. Tom Cowan & Andy Kaufman Talk Real Medicine

Those following or newly interested in the collapse of the scientific fraud known as germ theory, which after all these decades is hidden in plain sight as just an unproven “theory,” will get a lot out of this enlightening conversation between two of the most brilliant maverick medical minds among us. Once you’ve digested this information that eloquently eviscerates germ theory, be sure to check out this article on a similar wavelength by Dawn Lester, coauthor of the magisterial WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL?, a book which IMHO is a must-read for anyone serious about getting to the truth in the biological sciences.

Evolving Your Life with DNA Activation

Sol Luckman

Today’s article might be considered a follow-up to this one from earlier in the Solutions Project. Previously, I described how my health was destroyed by DNA-damaging vaccines and how this prompted me to develop (along with my partner, Leigh) a sound healing technique designed to activate and heal DNA in order to cure myself.

The result was the Regenetics Method, described by NEXUS Magazine as “revolutionary healing science … expanding the boundaries of being,” which miraculously restored my wellbeing while imparting numerous other amazing benefits.
Join the Bitcoin Revolution & Save on Regenetics!
Bitcoin is an increasingly attractive investment in these uncertain times. Learn more about it today and use it to save 25% on Regenetics activations!
Check out products that make a statement and support our constitutional rights.
Keep seeking and sharing the truth and stand up for your rights and freedoms!

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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