Subject: Back to School Special, Art Giveaway & Identifying Your Handlers!

Request Your Complimentary Review Copy of My New Surfing & Painting Memoir

Sol Luckman

📚 There’s an intriguing urban myth—if nothing else—that a new book that receives at least 100 reviews within its first month on gets a magic carpet ride on the algorithm to virtually assured success.

🖌 Shall we put this to the test with my new self-illustrated memoir full of art and snark that just made its way onto Amazon, MUSINGS FROM A SMALL ISLAND?

👉 👉 👉 Here’s the 4-step process I propose:

New Perspectives on Life, Death & the Curiouser & Curiouser Cosmos We Call Home

Sol Luckman

Recently here on SLUUU, I premiered my new autobiographical release, a self-illustrated coffee table book focused my years spent living in the exotic South Carolina Lowcountry on Hilton Head Island, about which artist and reviewer for Readers’ Favorite Nancy Tobin had this to say:

I laughed out loud for the first fifty pages. This book is not all humor, though. In this open display of musings by Sol, he bares his soul and reveals some of his struggles with a nasty funk and how he used bodysurfing to overcome personal challenges.

Nancy Tobin, Readers Favorite

How to Identify Your Own (or Someone Else’s) Keepers

Sol Luckman

Am I my brother’s keeper?” —Genesis 4:9

Welcome to the fifth article in this exclusive SLUUU series on cults, cult formation and cultism in general.

Today’s article breaks new ground by examining an intrinsic feature of all cults, whether they call themselves cults or disguise themselves as something seemingly innocuous or even anti-cultish: handlers.

“Handler” can mean various things, but the following definition sourced from the The Free Dictionary is the one we’re after:

handler: (noun) one who trains or exhibits an animal, such as a dog.

Could It Be There’s No Such Thing as the Paranormal … Only Infinite Varieties of Normal?

“Highly original fiction with more than a dash of the otherworld; well-developed characters, both male and female; excellent adventures; heartwarming conclusion and lots of wonderful ideas—what is there not to like? Highly recommended, a must-read.”—INDIE SHAMAN Magazine

Sol Luckman

Dreams of Flying

My earliest dreams were lucid ones of flying. I have a particularly striking memory of soaring high above my father’s tobacco fields where I used to spend hours at a time searching for arrowheads as a boy.

There was a method to dream flight—not unlike the way a condor rides thermal currents to gracefully corkscrew up or down. The feeling was one of bliss almost beyond description … like walking into the light upon death, or emerging into it at birth.

BIG CHANGES Are Afoot as the Phoenix Center for Regenetics Approaches Its 20th Anniversary!
Dear Friend,

With the approach of the 20th anniversary of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics in 2024, and having individually facilitated our unique approach to “revolutionary healing science” (NEXUS) for many thousands of clients (see Testimonials) over the past two decades, we’re giving you a heads-up that we’re planning to significantly EVOLVE the way we offer DNA activation services in the near future.

Join Our Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony Sunday, September 3rd!
Begin your Regenetics journey today.
Learn more & register here.

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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