Subject: Audiobook Giveaway, Worldwide Potentiation Sunday, Archons on Netflix & More!

Join Our Upcoming Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony
Sunday, March 5th!
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📚 The First 10 People to Review Any of My Books Will Receive the Audiobook of the Award-winning CALI THE DESTROYER (See Details)

Please Support This Indie Author w/ a Generous Review

Sol Luckman

📖 Confession: I’m an indie author. That means I’m always panhandling for book reviews. Today is no different.

🤝 Here’s what I propose …
👽 Archons on Netflix?

Gnostic Cosmology & Stranger Things Indeed

Brendan D. Murphy, Truthiverse

I maintain that John Lash’s opus NOT IN HIS IMAGE (2006) is one of the best gnostic exegeses available—partly because he himself is able to “walk between worlds” and has a manifest “paranormal” skill set that allows him to merge and communicate with nature in ways that most people on earth could not even begin to fathom at this stage.

I draw the bulk of this material on the gnostic cosmology here from his excellent book.

The one caveat I offer for anyone who wants to read that fascinating book is that Lash then—like many people right now—seemed fairly bogged down in the gnostic rabbit hole instead of updating and modernising that paradigm from a meta-level, something, admittedly, very few people are doing a good job of (more on that elsewhere, particularly my coming second and third books—or check out my post The “Soul Trap” PSYOP for a teensy weensy taster).
🪞 Turn to the Mirror (Video)

If You Can’t See What’s Going On, I Can’t See It for You

Sol Luckman

🙏 Thanks for being willing to learn, heal, laugh and change through LIFE POETRY, sponsored by Sol Luckman Uncensored Updates & Uploads

Enjoy this new video.
📖 Ascension, Enlightenment & Unity Consciousness in SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING

Achieve Mastery in This World by Embracing the Otherworld of Dreams

Sol Luckman

When I began writing my award-winning metaphysical novel SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, at the start of 2013, little did I know this paranormal, coming-of-age tale about a boy learning to harness the power of lucid dreams would include important themes having to do with Dewey Larson’s Reciprocal System of physical theory, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s Five Stages of Grief, Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, and Lloyd Pye’s revolutionary theories on mysterious hominids like Bigfoot.
📖 How to Discover Yourself through Your Own Philosophy

Attached to Nothing, You’re in Sync with Everything

Gary “Z” McGee, Waking Times

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ~Oscar Wilde

There are now over eight billion people on the planet. We each have a different psychophysiological reaction to any given stimuli, no matter how minute the difference. From forks to forklifts, spoons to spoonerisms, folklore to philosophy. Every single one of us perceives everything differently.

The way I perceive the concept of something as simple as a tree is fundamentally different than the way every single other person perceives the “same” concept. This is due to our historically unique experiences with “trees.”

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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