Subject: Archaix Interview (Round 2), Microbiome Boost Sunday, New Article on "Science" & More!

Global Microbiome Boost This Sunday, December 18th!
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Participants must have passed the 5-month mark of Potentiation.
📆 Jason Breshears Interviewed by Sol Luckman (Round 2): Exploring the Astonishing Mathematix & Calendrix of Archaix

Sol Luckman

👉 👉 👉 If one video could utterly transform your vision of yourself and your world, THIS IS IT.

💥 In Round 2 Conversations on Sol Luckman Uncensored welcomes back the man, the myth, the legend, Jason Breshears of, who has in short order become a major source of inspiration for literally tens of thousands of fans around the Simulacrum.

💥 He’s also stirred up a proverbial SHITESTORM in the community of alternative content creators on YouTube and elsewhere, who are VERY threatened by the truths he reveals.

🔬 Is the “Scientific Method” Broken—or Did It Never Actually Exist in the First Place?

Seeing through the Illusion to the Source of Our True Power

Sol Luckman

As in one of my all-time favorite songs, “San Jacinto” by the great Peter Gabriel, something has been moving in, something I taste in my mouth and heart, something that feels like a slow death—or at least the letting go of a previous life.

This something, like an uninvited and disconcerting guest, has actually been tapping at the window of my consciousness for a while now … until I was willing to open the door and let him in.

📚 “One of Those Rare Books That You Will Want to Reread Again & Again”: CALI THE DESTROYER

Enjoy This Glowing Professional Review of the Winner of 8 Literary Awards

Rachel Smith, Entrada Publishing

CALI THE DESTROYER is a fantasy novel full of humor and lightheartedness … Author Sol Luckman has created a story that has something for almost every reader.

Juice and Cali are best friends, and they are learning that they have been lovers since the beginning of time. The mythological entities have a purpose but are they in time to help save humanity? CALI THE DESTROYER takes place in an Orwellian future which traces its roots back to our dystopian present.
🪄 Playing in the MAGIC: How to Manifest Whatever You Desire in the Simulation (SLUUU Exclusive Ebook)

Intuition Refinement? Check. Empathy Cultivation? Check. Imagination Boost? Check. Now Go Forth & Create the Life You Want!

Sol Luckman

In this inspiring, empowering, hot-off-the-press SLUUU exclusive ebook, renowned sound healer and international bestselling author Sol Luckman shares a major download of profound (as well as absurd) insights into the “magical” nature of our so-called reality.

Riffing off the red-hot research of author Jason Breshears while adding a delightfully stimulating and idiosyncratic take with some critical missing pieces to the manifestation puzzle, Luckman distills an array of life-altering concepts into an easy-to-grasp-and-follow theoretical model for interacting productively (and even miraculously) with our simulated holography while avoiding many of the pitfalls related to the Chief Archontic Parasite in Residence, Artificial Intelligence X.

🎨 A Score of Portraits by Yours Truly

Sol Luckman

😵‍💫 Below, in no particular order, I invite you to check out twenty of my favorite portraits that I’ve painted in my signature “wavy gravystyle with acrylics on paper and canvas.

✔️ Be sure to click through to my official portfolio if you’re interested in the originals (where still available), prints and/or merchandise featuring these pieces. And do contact me if you’d like a portrait for yourself or a loved one …

Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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