Subject: 🌅 Join Me for FREE in Anarchapulco This Friday!

🌅 Join Me for FREE in Anarchapulco This Friday!
In Case You Missed It, I’ve Got Some BIG NEWS
Dear Friend,

Sol Luckman here. In case you missed it, I’ve got some BIG NEWS:

👉 👉 👉 This Friday, May 19th, I’ll be presenting at the Nonconformist Series: Vital & Awake Edition.
🔥🔥🔥 This is a FREE three-day online event run by Anarchapulco, where you can check out the world premiere of the audio-videobook version of my popular ebook (a SLUUU exclusive) Playing in the MAGIC: How to Manifest Whatever You Desire in the Simulation.
You definitely don’t want to miss this—not if you’re serious about leveling up your physical, mental and spiritual health by turbocharging your ability to create and live the life you imagine for yourself.

The daily content will involve live Q&As and Roundtables with the presenters on topics ranging from breathwork to healthy diets to alternative history. I’ll be participating in a LIVE ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Friday (after my premiere) at 6:55 PM Eastern, so if you don’t want to miss that …
Again, the event is FREE, and you can use my referral link to access the full three-day festivities online.

🙏 So please, do yourself (and myself) a favor by signing on up and getting ready for a mind-melding, body-renewing event in the comfort of your living room May 19th-21st starting at 11 AM Eastern.

Hope to see you there!

🪄 Magical blessings to you and yours,


Phoenix Center for Regenetics, PO Box 18472, Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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