Subject: 🐉 Help Us Defeat the Dragon of the Algos!

Phoenix Center for Regenetics


Dear Friend,

We’re so excited to share our new book, GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE, about inner alchemy and immortality! It's been a long time coming and is now more relevant than ever in our society of attention-looshing distractions!

The book will officially be available on March 20th, but you can preorder it today on and receive it immediately once it's released.

Preorders make a monumental difference in the delicate life cycle of great books.

Especially for indie authors, preorders make a huge impact in terms of sales, marketing & rankings while providing much-needed support for everyone involved.

Please help GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE defeat the dragon of the Algos!

RIP … Death?

Longevity’s overrated. Live forever instead.

In this deep dive into inner alchemy, shamanism and energy medicine, bestselling author and renowned sound healer Sol Luckman addresses mortality head-on ... and shares a nondogmatic solution to this “problem” that will shock and inspire you!

You don’t need to create your inner Philosopher’s Stone and “get out of here alive” to benefit massively from the author’s wisdom.

You don’t even have to practice the potent techniques he teaches for recovering energy, erasing trauma, and restoring mind-body-spirit health.

Uniquely and elegantly, this book will upgrade your life in the here and now by empowering you to …

  • Simplify your existence

  • Digital-detox your mind

  • Maximize the power of silence

  • Procrastinate your way to creativity

  • Connect with the superpower of your uniqueness

  • Establish a beneficial relationship with your shadow &

  • Follow your bliss on your own Hero’s Journey to wholeness and authenticity

“The Hero of a Thousand Red Pills, Sol Luckman has had an invaluable influence on awakening consciousness and dispelling false realities. GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE is a rewarding and useful map for the hero’s journey.” —Miguel Conner, author, THE OCCULT ELVIS

If you’re ready to have your horizons broadened and body-mind-spirit forever uplifted, you can preorder this transformational text today to dive into upon its March publication.

“This book is not merely a guide—it’s a conversation with the cosmos, an invitation to unlock your highest potential, and a masterclass in the art of becoming more than human.” —Laurence Galian, author, ALIEN PARASITES

If you’d rather not wait, you can still download your FREE REVIEW COPY today.

“Luckman illuminates a path of alchemical transformation for healing our wounds and unlocking our full potential as conscious co-creators of reality. This empowering and inspirational book unveils the shamanic secrets to transcending the illusion of death and manifesting our highest aspirations.” —David Jay Brown, author, DREAMING WIDE AWAKE

Longevity’s overrated. Live forever instead.

“An excellent, mind-expanding book.” —Dawn Lester, coauthor, WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL?

To your longevity!

Sol & Leigh
Phoenix Center for Regenetics

"This is revolutionary healing science that's expanding the boundaries of being." NEXUS Magazine

POTENTIATE YOUR DNA "is both fascinating and an astounding, perhaps even world-changing theory." NEW DAWN Magazine

[This message contains Amazon affiliate links.]

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