Subject: Watkins Incentive

Try my home business opportunity and I'LL PAY YOU $100!


Yes, it's true! I'll pay you $100 just to try my home business opportunity. And even if you never do anything else with the home business opportunity, you'll still be able to keep the $100. That's how sure I am that you'll just love it and want to build your own lucrative home business using my guaranteed business-building system.

How can I be so sure? Here's why: I've spent the past few years studying Home Businesses and methods of building home businesses. I've studied why some people succeed at their home businesses but also why most people fail. I spent thousands of dollars studying and learning and then spent hours and hours and thousands of dollars more perfecting my guaranteed home business building system. Now it's ready for you to take advantage of.

Now, I'm not going to go into all the details of how my guaranteed system works here. It is confidential and is only revealed to you once you join with me and become a member of my group. The good news is: you don't need to know all the details of how my guaranteed business-building system works for it to work for you. However, it will all be explained to you once you join with me.

For now, all you really need to know is I've put together a system that is so simple, ANYONE can build a lucrative home business in just A FEW HOURS or less per month! With NO SELLING REQUIRED! GUARANTEED!

The business that I'm going to show you how to build is the same one that I have been building and have been very successful at since 1990. It is the Watkins home-based business opportunity and is currently available only in the USA and Canada.

However, and this is very important: If you are familiar with Watkins and the methods used by Watkins Associates to work and build their businesses, the first thing that I want you to do is FORGET EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU KNOW ABOUT WATKINS!

My Watkins is not your Granddaddy's Watkins!

I built my Watkins business the traditional ways that were taught to me, and I was very successful at it, but the traditional ways of building a Watkins business were WORK! Too much work! So much work that a lot of promising candidates just wouldn't do that work . . . and they quit! That was the saddest part of the business for me . . . seeing all these good-hearted and deserving people fall by the wayside when confronted with all the work required to build a successful home business using the "time-tested" traditional methods. It was just too much for most people. That is why I became so determined to put together a system that ANYONE could use to build their own lucrative home business.

It took quite awhile to put together and perfect, but now I've put together my system and I invite you to join with me . . . and I'll pay you $100 just to try it!

Here's how it works: You need to enroll as a Watkins Associate using the link below. It will cost you $59.95 ($69.95 in Canada) to join. Once I am notified that you joined, I will send you a $100 Watkins Gift Certificate that you can use to purchase your favorite Watkins products directly from Watkins Inc. I will also send you the confidential details of my guaranteed home business building system and show you how you can build your own lucrative Watkins home business in one hour or less per month with no selling required, guaranteed.

My offer to you is very simple. Get more information on Watkins by going to Once you enroll online or through the mail, I will send you a $100 Watkins Gift Certificate. (For Canadians, the U.S. Watkins Gift Certificates automatically convert to Canadian dollars when you redeem them) You can use the Gift Certificates on any future order to get $100 worth of Watkins products. Use the products yourself, or sell them and pocket the profit. Or, you could give the Gift Certificates to friends to introduce them to Watkins. It's totally up to you.

I'll mail the $100 Gift Certificate to you as soon as I receive your enrollment confirmation. You can redeem them any time before the expiration date.

If it sounds like I'm understating the potential of my guaranteed home business building system, it's because I am. To provide this outstanding offer to you, I've agreed to make this offer available to only a limited number of people, so to qualify for the $100, you must join as a member of my team right away.

Go to:

I look forward to assisting you in reaching your dreams as a member of my team.


Peter Regan
Independent Watkins Associate 046673