Subject: Our Once In A Lifetime Trip

So there we were . . . in the Coloseum . . . in Rome, Italy.

The film crew was all set up, the sound man tested the microphones. There was a throng of people of all nationalities crowding around, wondering who it was who was being interviewed; stretching their necks trying to get a better view.

Who were these people who were drawing so much attention in this famous landmark. Were they famous? Were they celebrities? Were they Royalty?

Then the interviewer asked us the first question . . .

Yes, it was us, Ann-Marie and Peter Regan, Watkins Associates from Massachusetts who were causing so much commotion inside the famous Coloseum in Rome, Italy! Can you believe it?

You see, we had earned an all-expenses-paid, once-in-a-lifetime trip to Rome in a Watkins sales contest and Watkins was truly treating us like celebrities - like Royalty!

Everything was first class all the way! The hotel, the meals, the travel (even chauffered Mercedes from the airport to the hotel!). Watkins went all-out to make this a trip-of-a-lifetime! The film crew was actually following our group of winners everywhere we went, recording our every move and interviewing us at various famous landmarks. Yes, Watkins made us feel like Royalty on that trip!

Then the Interviewer started. The first question he asked was, "What do you like most about your Watkins business?"

It was at that moment that all the experiences that I had had with Watkins started to race through my head. My entire Watkins life began to flash before me! I remembered first joining Watkins in November, 1990 - and not even really knowing anything about the company or what the products were. I just knew at the time that Watkins was over 120 years old and I wanted to be associated with a company with a track record and that was going to be around for years to come.

I remembered when I first tried the products and liked them. And I remembered my total surprise the first time someone asked me if they could buy products from me. It was amazing for me to think that people would actually seek me out and buy products from me because they loved these Watkins products so much.

Memories of all the highs and lows flashed through my head in an instant. Yes, there were some lows, there are always some bumps in the road in any journey that must be dealt with, but I could barely remember what they were. All the wonderful memories built up over the years with Watkins were flooding my mind. Trips to Costa del Sol, Spain and Morocco, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Madeira and Lisbon, Portugal. Wonderful people we met along the way, especially at conferences and other Watkins get togethers. And the products! We love these products!

Our Watkins business has allowed us to spend more time at home with our children. There is no way you can put a dollar value on that.

With everything racing through my mind, it was hard to put it into words. All I could answer was, "Just look at what we're doing right now! What other business could make this possible?"

Being interviewed in the coloseum in Rome was a very surreal experience! I remember looking around, taking everything in: the film crew, the interviewer, and the crowd of onlookers; and thinking, "This is how celebrities live." What a feeling, I thought!

Yes, our Watkins trip to Rome was an experience that we'll remember for the rest of our lives. But our story didn't end there. That trip was just one chapter in our wonderful journey with Watkins. As a matter of fact, the year after the Rome trip, Watkins took us on another once-in-a-lifetime trip to New Zealand. But that's a story for another time.

We told our Rome story, not to brag, but to illustrate some of the rewards that are available to you as a Watkins Associate. Whether you're interested in being able to buy Watkins high-quality, life-enhancing, earth-friendly products at wholesale prices, would like to earn some extra money each month, or would like to go all out and make Watkins your full time career, Watkins is for you.

Many Watkins Associates started as customers and liked the products so much they started to build their own businesses. Some accidently! Watkins Associates are people just like you who have decided to use and share these wonderful products - and reap the rewards that come with doing just that.

We urge you to take a serious look at the Watkins Associate Opportunity. Who knows, you might end up on the next once-in-a-lifetime trip to an exotic location around the world. We'd love to have you along on our next trip!

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to exotic locations around the world, go to: