Subject: Learn How to Receive Residual Checks Every Month

Hi Friend,

Yes, it's true!

I get residual income checks every month . . .
whether I work or not! And so can you!

And there's lots of days that I don't work!

On those days, I spend time with my family,
play tennis, travel, and basically do
whatever I feel like doing . . .
and I still get paid!

Does it sound like I have it made?

I think I do! And you can too!

Once you learn my secrets of RESIDUAL INCOME!

Imagine getting residual income checks in the mail
every month - whether you work or not!

I do, and so can you!

How can I make such an outrageous claim?

Because I've put together a simple, highly effective
system that runs virtually on "AUTOPILOT" once it is
set up and set in motion - and IT WORKS!


Once my system is put in place, all it takes is
occasional "tweaking" and maintenance to keep it
running smoothly, producing income for you.

My system is simple and costs you very little to set up.

And can be learned by anyone with average intelligence,
ambition, and teachability.

Here's how you can learn my system:

There are just a few simple steps that you have to take
to get your "Auto-Pilot" System set up. The good news
is your system can be set up simply, at little cost to you, and
without taking up a lot of your valuable time.

For Step #1, go to this website:

In just a few minutes you can start learning how
YOU can get residual income checks every month -
whether YOU work or not!

For Step #2, contact me to learn how I can help you get started right.

I look forward to working with you.


Peter Regan
P.O. Box 3518
Vista, CA 92085
(760) 716-6662