Subject: Get paid whether you work or not

I get paid every month whether
I work or not . . . and so can YOU!

Learn how to build a LIFETIME RESIDUAL INCOME doing something you’re already doing everyday anyway


My name is Peter Regan and I really do get paid every month whether I work or not . . . And YES, SO CAN YOU! I can show you how to get paid for doing something that you’re already doing for free!

It’s not magic and you don’t have to win the lottery. (Although you might feel like you did!)

What you’ll learn are PROVEN WAYS to create RESIDUAL INCOME and how to put them into practice.

Residual income is income that continues to be generated after the initial effort has been expended. (You get paid over and over for something you did just once.) One of the greatest advantages of residual income is that once it is set in motion, you continue making money from your initial efforts, month after month, while you gain time to devote to other things . . . Such as your family, hobbies, travel, charity work, or even developing more streams of residual income.

Compare residual income to what most people focus on earning: LINEAR INCOME, which is one-shot compensation or payment in the form of a fee, wage, commission, or salary. Linear income is directly proportional to efforts expended. Stop working and you stop getting paid! Not so with residual income! It keeps coming and coming . . . whether you work or not!

There are many ways to develop residual income, however most of them are out of reach for the average person. Sure, you could become an actor and get paid every time your movie or TV show is aired or you could become a best-selling author and get paid a percentage of all future sales.

Or you could do what I did . . .

I found a company that sells the types of products that I buy and use anyway. That company is Watkins. I tried the products and found that they were higher quality and more cost-competitive than many of the products that I was already buying. They were the types of products that I would gladly use myself and confidently recommend to others. Watkins offers high quality, unique, life-enhancing, earth-friendly and natural products; and even offers a membership program where you can join and buy their products at discount prices.

But Watkins has a unique feature that you won’t find at your local grocery store or buying club:

Watkins will pay you a LIFETIME RESIDUAL INCOME for referring customers and members to it!

You can get paid every time anyone you refer to Watkins makes a purchase. Not just the first time they shop there, but every single time they shop there for the rest of their lives!

Just imagine what your life would be like if a store where all your friends shopped sent you a check every time one of your friends or neighbors shopped there!

All I did was join Watkins and switch some of my buying from one store to another one . . . my own! Now I save by buying products that I would be buying anyway at a discount and best of all . . .

Watkins pays me every time anyone I refer to it makes a purchase . . . for life!

In fact, it’s even better than that . . . But I’ll leave those mind-boggling details for later.

So, how can YOU start receiving residual income from Watkins?

Basically, the same way that YOU already recommend your favorite products to your friends . . . and aren’t you already doing that anyway?

You will learn to use low key, low and no-cost, unobtrusive methods to introduce people to Watkins products, and the tremendous potential of the residual income opportunity. Our methods have been proven effective and they will work for you.

There’s no high-pressure and no twisting arms. There’s no need for anything like that because Watkins offers such high-quality, cost-competitive products; a 100% Money-Back Guarantee, and such a powerful residual income program that once people realize it exists, they can only wish that they learned about it sooner.

Imagine getting paid every month whether you work or not . . .

Imagine receiving Residual Income checks that grow every month with no ceiling on how big they can grow.


We’ve developed and perfected systems that will give you a step-by-step roadmap to build your own residual income that will allow you to get paid every month whether you work or not . . . Like I do!

The only question left to ask yourself is:

Do you want to get paid every month whether you work or not for doing what you’re already doing for free . . . . or not?

The next move is up to you. Contact me for more information or visit my website:

Yours in Success,

Peter J. Regan
Watkins Associate #046673
P.O. Box 3518
Vista, CA 92085
(760) 716-6662