Subject: [Free Webinar TODAY!] Make $200-$300/day with Amazon's new "arbitrage" App

Hi Friend​,

Remember when Amazon was just books?

I do.

Man that was so long ago it feels like the Jurassic

And then I remember kind of around the early to mid
2000s people started realizing that Amazon sold a lot
more than books.

A whooooole lot more.

And within a few more years, Amazon had become THE #1
go to shopping resource not just online, but anywhere,

Jeff Bezos’ plan for world domination took the internet
by storm... and many people by surprise.

Today, there are over 1 BILLION products for sale on

Every day, over 75,000 new products are added to Amazon
in just the top 3 English speaking countries alone.
Amazon has an annual revenue that is greater than the
GDP of SIXTY FIVE PERCENT of all countries on this

Let that sink in for a moment.

That means that the ENTIRE economies of countries like
Bulgaria, Belarus and Uruguay (as well as 121 others)
are essentially worth LESS than Amazon, with a gross
domestic product (GDP) that is smaller than Amazon’s
annual revenue.

Last year Amazon’s annual sales were $88.9 BILLION.

(That’s over $22 billion MORE than Google’s 2014 annual
revenue in case you were wondering)

So what, you say?

Well to tell you the truth I didn’t really care much
until now either.

But you see, not only has Amazon changed the way
people shop online...

They’ve also just recently launched something that is
completely changing the game for people who make
money online – people like you and me.

Before I give you the rest of the story, I’d like to
invite you to a special webinar I’m going to be
attending this Thursday to learn more about it.

On this webinar two friends of mine are going to be
showing you how to make $200-300/day (in profit)
using nothing but your phone and Amazon’s incredible
new “product flipping” app.

Register here, it starts at 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern:


So look I’m sure you’ve heard about people making a
fortune on Amazon.

But until recently this wasn’t exactly a business
model for the average person.

You see in order to sell on Amazon you had to have
access to good wholesale sources and in many cases
you had to stock all your own inventory. This is
called Merchant Fulfillment (MFN).

You (the merchant) fulfills the order.

Amazon does allow dropshipping (which makes it easier
for “the little guy” because you don’t have to stock
the inventory yourself), but they’re pretty strict in
their requirements about this.

Enter FBA (fulfillment by Amazon).

In 2006 Amazon started rolling out their FBA service
for Amazon sellers.

This was HUGE.

You’ve seen pictures of the massive, sprawling Amazon
warehouses right?

If not, go to google and just do an image search for
‘Amazon warehouse’

Prepare to be awestruck.

These storage centers are COLOSSAL.

A typical warehouse has over 2.4 MILLION square feet
of usable storage space and last I heard there were
94 of these in the U.S., with more being built of

It is in these vast warehouses that Amazon stocks
your inventory as a seller.

With Fulfillment By Amazon, you send your products in
to one of these storage centers and Amazon handles the
rest from there.

Now FBA was a game-changer.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Just last year, in March, Amazon quietly launched a
new mobile app that has been changing people’s lives
at a pace never seen before.

This mobile app has been flying completely under the
radar and 99% of internet marketers have absolutely
NO IDEA that by simply downloading this app, Amazon
has basically turned the phone in your pocket into a
six figure ATM machine.

What this app does is it allows ANYONE to make
$200-300/day (in profit) by simply being a “product
flipper” for Amazon.

No wholesale accounts needed.

Here’s how it works:

Amazon needs YOUR help in filling their warehouses
with inventory.

Where do you find this inventory?

By simply going to local stores in your area (almost
any store will do) and buying up their clearance and
discount items.

You find an item on sale.

You scan the barcode with Amazon’s “product flipping”

The app tells you how well that product is ranked on
Amazon and what your profit will be.

You buy it. You send it to Amazon.

And that’s it!

They take care of the rest.

They list the item for you with title and description,
they send all the traffic to the item for you (no
traffic generation needed!), they handle all the
customer service, and when the product sells they
collect the money, they take care of shipping it to
the customer and then they simply deposit the funds
in your bank account!

Sound easy?

Come join me this Thursday night where you’ll find out
how my friend has used this secret mobile app to build
an Amazon empire that is now bringing in an average
of $40,000 a month in gross sales for her.

Go here to grab your spot:


To Your Success,
