The term “CALORIE DEFICIT” is very confusing to most women.
When looking at calories consumed vs calories burned on a surface level- it does not always result in weight loss.
I know you’ve been there- we all have. You’re eating less food- doing more exercise- yet the scale isn’t moving. Often women refer to this as a ‘weight loss plateau’- & it is.
Your body has plateaued in its ability to lose weight- & this is caused by ‘metabolic adaption’- which is where the confusion begins.
Click the link below- "UNDERSTANDING ENERGY BALANCE"- to understand more about Metabolic Adaption & Calorie Deficit.
For those who don't want to understand more- I'll sum it up here-
IF* your body is functioning optimally- you should* be able to eat less food than you burn & lose weight.
If you find yourself not being able to lose weight- eating less than you burn- you might want to click the link below so you understand why.
This understanding will allow you to make the necessary changes to work on the root issue- your metabolism & hormones- so you're working with your body- instead of against it.
Step 4 in my Guide Towards Food Freedom is- GAIN CONTROL OF YOUR DIGESTION.
Before we dive into the top variables that control digestion-let me say a few things…
It’s NOT normal to…
✖️Feel constant bloat &/or gas.
✖️Use the bathroom multiple times a day.
✖️Use the bathroom every few days.
✖️Battle acid reflux &/or heart burn daily.
✖️Look 5 months pregnant after you eat.
These plus more are common symptoms many women struggle with. Most women struggling with these their entire life- which is why they think* these feelings are normal.
They’re NOT normal.
You do not have to feel any of these-ever again- but to not feel them- takes intention.
Below are the TOP VARIABLES THAT CONTROL DIGESTION- & simple actions you can start taking- to heal your gut.
If any of this information hits home for you- or if you have any questions at all- let's talk.
There's a really good chance my 1:1 Nutrition, Exercise & Lifestyle Coaching program is exactly what you need to finally have success with your health & fitness goals.
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