We're officially 9 weeks into 2023- how you doing? Have you been able to implement any changes &/or tips from my monthly newsletters? I hope so.
One huge realization I want you to embrace through these monthly newsletters is- everything must be taken one thing at a time for you to truly be successful.
Otherwise- you'll become so overwhelmed with all the new, factual knowledge I'm providing you- on top of the old, fictional BS the diet world has provided you- causing you to give up before you give yourself a fair chance.
Remember- you don’t need* to know everything about nutrition, exercise, cardio & living a healthy lifestyle- to start seeing amazing progress with your weight loss/health.
Use my Rule of ONE- & I promise- you'll steadily EVOLVE into the women you were always meant to be.
1️⃣ Identify ONE current habit- keeping you from achieving your goal.
2️⃣ Replace that ONE habit with a new habit- that you KNOW will move closer to your goal.
3️⃣ Repeat that ONE habit- ONE day at a time- until it’s mindless & second nature.
By that point- you’ll have changed this ONE thing- from the inside (your mind)- & because of that- you’ll see changes on the outside.
From there- you'll identify the next ONE habit & repeat the same process- each habit taking a little less time to stick than the habit before. Until ONE morning- you wake up- look at yourself in the mirror & see a completely different women than you see today.
Imagine that feeling. Imagine never waking up to see- &/or be- the women you are today. How good does that sound- to just imagine the feeling- much less FEEL the feeling.
You CAN feel that- you DESERVE to feel that. You just have to start with ONE small thing.
If you’ve already started your health journey- I want to help you even MORE- in any way I can. Click the link at the bottom of this email to ask me any question- about any topic you feel is holding you back…
Macronutrients, flexible dieting, gut health, hormones, metabolism, reverse dieting, building muscle, cardio, anxiety, lifestyle, mindset, relationships, travel tips…
If you have not already started your health journey- I want to help YOU start TODAY!
Fill out my 1:1 Coaching Application below & schedule your free phone call with me. You have nothing to lose- everything to gain- & I cannot wait to talk to you!
If you're on the fence about IF my 1:1 EVOLVE Coaching program is right for you- click the picture below to watch a video on WHO my 1:1 EVOLVE Coaching program is for.
My program could be the last health investment you ever have to make.