Subject: How many birthday parties have you had?

How many birthday parties have you had?

October 20th, 2023 at 8:24 am EDT

Social Worker Brenda joyfully celebrates her birthdayBrenda's grandmother brought her to our nursery school as a three-year-old. After Mustard Seed, she went to St. Teresa's Girls School for A-levels. Then, she attended Makerere University on a gover ...

A different country?

October 13th, 2023 at 8:45 am EDT

Eddy expressed his appreciation for Mustard Seed Secondary School. When you come to Mustard Seed, it's like another country. Everything is just here. We have everything— thanks to you! Gratefully,ElaineP.S. Many photos are posted on the Real Partne ...

Face to face 😊

October 6th, 2023 at 8:10 am EDT

After fourteen years of sponsorship, Gail Beverly was thrilled to meet Hakim face-to-face. Hakim gave Gail special gifts for each of her family members. Here, she is holding back tears of joy.Happy October,ElaineP.S. Many photos are posted on the ...

Direct from Lukaya, Uganda

September 29th, 2023 at 8:20 am EDT

Mustard Seed Sixth graders (P-6) welcoming Gail Beverly and me (Elaine Griswold) Day One of our stay in Lukaya—as we entered the classroom, students stood and, in unison, recited a welcome greeting. What joy!ElaineP.S. Many photos are posted on the ...


September 22nd, 2023 at 7:40 am EDT

Mustard Seed Primary School's netball team took the championship. Stiff competition from older and wealthier schools didn't faze our girls. They have skill, spirit, and teamwork. Plus, they have the best uniforms, thanks to a gift from the Seaforth N ...

Where's the Kitchen?

September 15th, 2023 at 7:15 am EDT

A warm welcome for Janet when she visited a Mustard Seed student's home.Note the kitchen–upper left. Janet Benway loved her visit to Mustard Seed Academy and Lukaya. After her second day, she wrote: I had more hugs today than in the last 10 years c ...

Thriving Orphans

September 8th, 2023 at 8:50 am EDT

Mustard Seed Academy students at home.These girls are orphans. Still, you can see their bonds of love and joy. They belong. They have family. They have food. They live in a lovely house. They go to the best school in town. They are better off than mo ...

Foto Friday: Senior Prom—Mustard Seed style

September 1st, 2023 at 9:50 am EDT

I'm sorry for sneaking in two photos on this Foto Friday. Double the joy—I hope. Happy Friday!ElaineMustard Seed S-4 and S-6 students enjoying their Exquisite Prom Party P.S. If you want to see more photos, many are posted in the Photo Galleries on ...

Photo Friday: Nursery School Cuties

August 26th, 2023 at 1:41 pm EDT

Oops, I thought this went out to you yesterday (Friday)... Warm end-of-summer greetings, Friend. I hope you've been enjoying some relaxation and fun times. At Mustard Seed, school life has been in high gear. Competitions in sports, music, chess, and ...

Photo Friday: Nursery School Cuties

August 25th, 2023 at 8:21 am EDT

Warm end-of-summer greetings, Friend. I hope you've been enjoying some relaxation and fun times. At Mustard Seed, school life has been in high gear. Competitions in sports, music, chess, and a prom party, plus visitors from America, made the second t ...