Subject: these shoes are made for learning

Ugandan woman (nursery school teacher) with a child on her lap, trying on new shoes

A perfect fit: Teacher Sylvia ensures each child steps confidently into her school day.

Greetings from Lukaya,

Thanks to one generous heart and some savvy shopping, 48 Mustard Seed students are walking taller today. What began as one friend's compassionate gesture multiplied into a school-wide blessing, ensuring every child who needed shoes received them. It's amazing how a simple pair of shoes can bring such dignity and joy to a school child.



P.S. This moment reminds me of "Tendo's Wish," a new book for the school library I shared with teachers. It's a heartwarming story about a young boy's prayer for school shoes. Like our students today, Tendo's wish came true through a circle of kindness and generosity. (In this YouTube video, the story is read for nursery school children by an American reader.)

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