Subject: What are you reading?

Library books for Mustard Seed School

July 9, 2024

Warm Summer Greetings, Friend,

I just finished an incredible book. And as I put it down, I thought of 16-year-old Jessica, a bright Mustard Seed student.

Although Jessica likes books and reading, she has never had the chance to get utterly lost in the captivating world of a great book. 

But you can change that. 

You can give Jessica and other students the incredible gift of books

One of our longtime sponsors has offered to match your gift so that you will be giving two books for every $16 donation.

In February, I chatted with Jessica, who was volunteering in the Mustard Seed school library and unpacking new textbooks.  I asked what book she was excited to read next. Her eyes dropped as she shared that there were hardly any novels available.

You and I know the transformative power of diving into a captivating tale—how it can whisk you away to fascinating adventures. However, this wonderful world remains sadly out of reach for Jessica and other Mustard Seed students.

Will you give Jessica and others the chance to experience the magic of reading with a gift for library books? $16 provides one brand new book, and because of matching funds, your gift will be doubled if you give by July 25!

The benefits of pleasure reading are missing at Mustard Seed. But with books from you today, Jessica and her friends can journey anywhere through tales that inspire them to become life-long learners hungry to explore our world's wonders.

Please give today and help open the door to endless possibilities for Jessica and her schoolmates in Uganda. You'll enjoy your next summer read more knowing that you've given a Mustard Seed student the opportunity to read for pleasure.

Happy reading,


Elaine Griswold 

Executive Director

P.S. Don't miss this matched-giving opportunity!* Click here to give by July 25, and your donation will be doubled to provide twice as many books for Jessica and her classmates at Mustard Seed. Give them a life-changing chance to get lost in a great book today!

P.P.S. Are there any books you'd like to see in the Mustard Seed School library? If so, could you email me the titles and a few words that can motivate students to read each book?

*Gifts will be matched until the total $5,000 in matching funds are all used or until July 25, whichever comes first.  


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