Subject: Resilience


“No condition is permanent” - Socrates, oft-repeated by Ugandans

This proverb is being heard a lot around Uganda these days. People face so many obstacles and challenges. 

Chief among the hardships is food scarcity and outrageous prices. 

In addition to worldwide inflation and supply problems, Uganda was hit with failed crops during the most recent growing season. Too much rain, followed by too much sun, resulted in shriveled plants and nothing to harvest. At 100% inflated prices, Mustard Seed is purchasing maize (for posho and porridge) from Tanzania and beans from the far western part of Uganda. Between the resourcefulness of our Ugandan team and a specific appeal RPU is making (see more below), we expect famine will be averted at Mustard Seed. With diversifying the school diet and a successful second growing season this year, the crisis should be temporary

We are in awe of our Ugandans' resilience and wisdom.

Latest from Lukaya

Students from other schools are not as fortunate as Mustard Seed children. See the two neighborhood boys, pictured above, longingly looking into the Mustard Seed classroom? How we wish we could rescue them all!

At some schools, students are staging sit-ins because the food is so bad and sparse.

Although Mustard Seed students sometimes complain because they prefer their posho, similar to cornmeal mush, over any substitute, they continue to thrive. And, so far, their education and activities are uninterrupted. 

Time for sports

Excitement and school spirit are running high. MSA is competing and winning in netball and football (soccer) against rivals from much bigger and more well-established schools. On July 9th, our girls were third out of 21 at a netball tournament!

In the photo below, Headteacher John Robert is carrying a star off the field. You can almost feel the excitement. Mustard Seed boys are generally younger and smaller than the competitors; that doesn't stop them from valiantly and skillfully winning some matches.


Part of sustainability is keeping students and staff healthy with good nutrition, including some natural supplements. Students above are getting their weekly portion of Artemisia tea to prevent malaria and other diseases. Artemisa annua annua is grown on the campus, harvested at just the right time, dried, and made into tea.

Below, you can see an area of the campus that is intercropped with nutritious foods, including vegetable amaranth – a powerhouse of nutrition – and Artemisia. The lush green is testimony to sustainable farming methods.

Poultry- Good news. While many poultry farmers have sold off their hens for meat because they couldn't afford to feed them, our hens continue to lay, and the price of eggs is again rising. Unless another crisis hits, the hens will be more than paying for themselves by next month. Eggs are also an excellent supplement to the school diet.

What's Up?

The photo above IS NOT from Mustard Seed but a school in the area. At MSA, the posho, made from maize meal, is generous, and the beans are thick and full of colorful vegetables for good flavor and nutrition.

We are worried about how we can keep this scene from happening. While the administration is working hard to find sources of food, the cost of food is double the budgeted amount.

Today, because of the current famine, feeding Mustard Seed students is more challenging than ever before. Click here to see how you may be able to help.

Special thanks to the Mayor of Lukaya, Charles Tamale (above) who attended the International Rotary Convention in Houston. Before heading home, he visited Elaine in New Jersey and was welcomed by High Mountain Presbyterian Church in Franklin Lakes. He offered to take back items for Mustard Seed Academy: netball, volleyball, and soccer balls, soap molds, various gadgets (tablets, phones, etc.), and child-friendly DVDs.

Thanks to YOU for helping to supply the items that are needed at Mustard Seed!

Just for fun– did you know?

Do you know the meaning of this sentence:

"She digs for what to eat."

Hit reply to this email and submit your ideas about this 'Ugandanese' phrase. 

We hope your summer is off to a good start. Please keep the Mustard Seed children in your hearts, minds, and prayers.

With all my best,


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